Dead By Daylight: uno sguardo in video allo charm dello Gnome Chompski di Left 4 Dead 2

Pochi istanti fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato allo charm dello Gnome Chompski di Left 4 Dead 2, ora ottenibile in Dead by Daylight.

Dopo il raggiungimento dell’End Game Collapse infatti, sarà possibile per i giocatori (fino al 6 giugno 2021) di scovare e distruggere lo gnomo presente in Left 4 Dead 2, attraverso spawn casuali nelle mappe di gioco.

Il porting del celebre horror game asimmetrico (4vs1) di Behavior Interactive, e’ stato pubblicato il 24 settembre 2019 anche sui Nintendo Switch europei e americani, con l’inclusione nel pacchetto di 9 killer e 10 survivor.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

MAY 5 – JULY 14

Prepare for a new adventure in Dead by Daylight – engaging lore, exciting challenges and prestigious rewards await those who enter The Archives.


Witness the Auris, a device capable of peering into the memories of those who’ve entered the Fog.

Left 4 Dead legend William “Bill” Overbeck takes center stage in the FORSAKEN Rift. Brave your way through new challenges to unlock an unprecedented glimpse into Bill’s past.

As you make your way through haunting new challenges, you will uncover the never-before-seen memories of William “Bill” Overbeck, Adiris (The Plague), and The Observer.

Exciting New Goals

Complete Challenges to progress further in the Tome and its associated Rift. Each Tome is separated into several Levels, each containing a new layout for the Auris Web with more Challenges, Lore Entries, Bloodpoints, and Rift Fragments.

Tome VII features a new type of Glyph Challenge, first introduced in Tome VI. To initiate the Glyph Challenge, Survivors must find and interact with the new blue Glyphs lurking within trials. But beware – these Glyphs instantly afflict players with a random status ailment upon contact. Survive the trial to complete the challenge… if you’re up to the task.

All previous Tome Challenges are available through the Compendium menu.

The Rift

With each Tome comes a new Rift, bringing brand new, time-limited rewards to collect by completing Challenges. In the FORSAKEN Rift, earn over 60 items including 12 new outfits, to be yours forever, even once the Rift closes.

Precedente Clea: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.5.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei Successivo Samurai Shodown: il titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 2.22 su Nintendo Switch