Clea: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.5.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Qualche ora fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo update di Clea, titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.5.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

L’adventure horror 2D di Sekai Games e InvertMouse, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 30 ottobre 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

New Costumes

  • Four new costumes have been added to the game, unlocked by default!
    • Halloween: A costume based on the beloved holiday, with a cute pumpkin lantern!
    • Len of Ne No Kami: Kuro Iroduku Yomiji’s fantastic heroine gets her own costume!
    • 16-Bit: Our Discord community dress! We held an event where 16 chaos/chaos+ completionists were asked to let their presence be known. Our mighty 16 rocked up, so as promised, the 16-bit dress is now unlocked.
    • Rain: This rain dress warrants an official spot by my books. Enjoy!

Additional changes

  • Lighting fixes across the campaign. Many light sources were far too bright in retrospect, now that I have the experience built from Clea 2’s development.
  • Fixed an extremely rare bug where, after you peek left/right, your character could be stuck walking in place.
  • The UI used to look slightly wonky on higher resolutions (as you approach 4K). Some buttons would be too big, or the text would be too small, etc.. This is no longer the case.

Enemy Updates

  • Enemies’ hearing and sight ranges (when in close proximity) will now vary based on difficulty.
  • Subtle AI tweaks to grant players more breathing space on lower difficulties.
  • The final enemy now seeks the player more reliably, in exchange for a reduced vision range (as per design)
  • Some enemies are no longer invisible on invisible mode, but they are still harder to see (removed light source)
  • Fixed a bug where, if you returned from the cells and headed right, you could find an enemy who failed to activate (and be frozen in place)

Gameplay balances

  • Clea’s base speed increased by 0.5. When you return to Clea 1 after Clea 2 (featuring Florine), Clea’s movement speed can feel like a slog.
  • Difficulty balanced in chapter two.

Visual fixes

  • Fixes some areas where your lantern can pop slightly through the side walls.
  • Fixed minor visual glitch on top of the lantern with the Invisibility Cloak.
  • Fixed minor visual glitch on the x-shaped key piece.
  • An assortment of other minor fixes. For instance, a cake floating a single pixel above a table in chapter 4.

Bug fixes

  • Removed an exploit where, if you cancel out the upgrades pop up then immediately pick an option, you can re-use the same crystal ball to obtain all available upgrades.
  • Removed a bug where, if you spammed confirm while saving (with infinite saves off), the save could cost you multiple candles.

Clea is a jump scare free, skill-based survival horror adventure.

Mum and Dad have been experimenting on Chaos Servants, but now, the monsters have been let loose. Clea, with her brother in tow, must escape from the Whitlock Mansion.


Watch your back, Clea. Those closest to you may be the real terror.


Outwit the Chaos Servants:

The Chaos Servants are on the hunt. Listen for their footsteps, peek under doors, and stay far, far away.


Escape the Whitlock Mansion:

The Whitlock family has trapped Clea inside the mansion. Hunt down key items and solve the puzzles designed to lock you from the outside world.


No jump scares:

No prescripted scares, promise. Your skills and actions will determine Clea’s fate.


Unveil family history:

The Whitlock bloodline is filled with dark memories. Obtain memory orbs and uncover your family secrets through bonus chapters.

Precedente Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir e The Girl Who Stands Behind, pubblicato il trailer di lancio su Nintendo Switch Successivo Dead By Daylight: uno sguardo in video allo charm dello Gnome Chompski di Left 4 Dead 2