Aeolis Tournament: il titolo ora aggiornato sui Nintendo Switch europei

Qualche ora fa è stato rilasciato un nuovo update per Aeolis Tournament, ora aggiornato sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’action party game di Beyond Fun Studio, sarà infatti pubblicato il prossimo 24 luglio 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.


Use the power of the wind to compete in the various games of the Storm Championship in this charmingly chaotic 8-player action party game.

Aeolis Tournament is a 3D party action game where up to 8 players compete in various game modes based on a simple one-button mechanic. Characters use an air cannon to control the power of the wind and affect their surroundings. It features physics-based gameplay, a tournament mode and local and online multiplayer play.

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