She and the Light Bearer: il titolo è in arrivo il 6 giugno sui Nintendo Switch europei

Il Nintendo eShop ha rivelato l’arrivo di un titolo indipendente, She and the Light Bearer, disponibile prossimamente su Nintendo Switch.

L’adventure game di Toge Production sarà pubblicato il prossimo 6 giugno 2019 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €9,99/$9.99.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

She and the Light Bearer is a point and click adventure game, a poem, a fairy tale.

Follow the Journey of the Little Firefly to seek The Mother deep inside the heart of the unknown forest! Though, this journey won’t be easy for such a bug. The Little Firefly has to earn the forest trust and prove their worth by solving riddles, challenges, and puzzles.

Deeper into the forest, Our Little Firefly will learn the sacrifice of the forest, the horror of the Devourers, and the secret to awaken Mother.

She and the Light Bearer is a blend of a music album and point and click adventure that borrows its aesthetics from storybook and fairytale. The game emphasized on art, poem, dialogue, and music to deliver the experience.

She and the Light Bearer is brought to you by Mojiken Studio, Toge Productions, and Pathetic Experience.

– Fairy tale with interesting characters to interact with

– Fully hand drawn and animated visuals

– Instrumental acoustic soundtrack that brings you to the heart of the forest

Precedente God Eater 3: pubblicato un video commercial giapponese sulla versione Nintendo Switch Successivo Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa, uno sguardo in video alla visual novel dai Nintendo Switch europei