Owlboy: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.0.1 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa è stato rivelato il changelog della Patch del Day One di Owlboy, titolo indipendente ora disponibile sul Nintendo eShop di Switch.

Il platform/adventure game di D-Pad Studio, è stato infatti pubblicato sull’eShop americano e europeo di Nintendo Switch, il 13 febbraio 2018, con una versione retail in arrivo a fine maggio.

Potete trovare il changelog dagli sviluppatori, in calce all’articolo.

Here are fixes included in the Day 1 patch for Owlboy…

Invisible Geddy, Your companion can become invisible when thrown in a direction by aiming with the Right Thumbstick. Picking them up will reveal them again. To avoid this issue, you can drop your companion normally by tapping the ZL.

Memory Leak, at certain points in the game, textures can be swapped out due to a memory leak in the game.
Transparency Pop, Some effects can pop because of an transparency issue.

Bonfire Dialogue, Some dialogue options by the bonfire in Tropos may not display properly.

Teleport to Tropos, During the scene where Otus teleports in a white beam, controllers are enabled. Do not leave the cave during this scene, as this might impede your progress.

Music Halt, Some scenes are dependent on the music in the game, and these scenes might not function properly if the music stop. This requires a restart of the game.

Misplaced Tiles, Some tiles have been misplaced in the porting process,

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