BloodRayne 1 and 2 ReVamped: i titoli aggiornati alla versione 1.0.2 su Nintendo Switch

Qualche ora fa è stato pubblicato un update per BloodRayne 1 and 2 ReVamped, ora aggiornati alla versione 1.0.2 su Nintendo Switch.

L’action horror in terza persona di Ziggurat Interactive, è stato pubblicato il 18 novembre 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Trovate il changelog dell’update, in calce all’articolo.

BloodRayne: ReVamped Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a rendering issue that caused visual errors when using Rayne’s Aura Vision ability
  • Fixed two issues that were causing errors/crashes for users with their console language set to German
  • Fixed an issue that was causing game audio to glitch when transitioning between levels
  • User settings such as brightness, volume, and controller vibration are now saved properly when adjusted in the menu

BloodRayne 2: ReVamped Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue affecting lip-syncs in animations and cutscenes
  • Physics when throwing enemies with the harpoon and feeding fatalities have been improved
  • Fixed issues causing pre-rendered cinematics on Switch not to play
  • Improved achievements and trophies
    • Trophy “Amateur Electrician” now correctly unlocks when completing the level “Shroud Tower – Feral”
    • Unlock progress for specific achievements/trophies will now restore correctly when loading a save file
    • Descriptions for several achievements/trophies have been updated to more accurately reflect the unlock conditions
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