Blackberry Honey: uno sguardo alla visual novel dai Nintendo Switch europei

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su Blackberry Honey, titolo ora disponibile sui Nintendo Switch europei.

La visual novel di Ratalaika Games e ebi-hime, sarà infatti pubblicata lo scorso 11 febbraio 2022 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch,

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

An inspiring kinetic novel full of frilly dresses and romance!

Lorina Waugh is forced to toil for fourteen hours a day as a maid for the Lennard family, and she struggles with overwork and being bullied by the senior maids.

One of the only maids who speaks kindly to Lorina is the mysterious Taohua. Her aloof, almost cat-like personality, coupled with her peculiar appearance, have inspired rumours that she might be a witch.

Lorina knows she should keep her distance from Taohua, and she wants to most desperately… but maybe there’s a pinch of truth to all the rumours, because she soon finds herself under the woman’s spell!

* 100k words of text (Around 7-10 hours of reading)
* A kinetic storyline
* Detailed backgrounds and CGs
* An original soundtrack with 18 unique pieces
* Victorian setting
* A cute lesbian love story

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