Idol Mahjong: Final Romance R, uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch giapponesi

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su Idol Mahjong: Final Romance R, disponibile ora sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi.

Il capitolo della serie mahjong rilasciato su SEGA Saturn nel 1996, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 18 novembre 2021 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di 1,980 yen.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.


  • One of the Most Popular Entries in the Final Romance Series – With a variety of animated scenes and numerous cheat items, this is the highroad of beautiful girl mahjong games!
  • Set at an Academy – Challenge mahjong matches against a laudable little sister type, American exchange student, sophisticated young lady, and more! Rewards await those who attain victory, so defeat them all!
  • A Deluxe Edition Combining the Arcade and Console Versions – Includes the different animated scenes from both the arcade and console versions.
  • Utilize Various Items to Attain Victory – If you only have a few points and your opponent is strong, victory can still be in your grasp! Turn the tables by utilizing useful items like “Tile Swap,” “Tile Tsumikomi,” “Riichi Ippatsu Tsumoagari,” and “Dora Tile Mashimashi.” Victory is in your hands!
  • Treasures Await Those Who Win – The game includes an “Album Mode” featuring various animations, Gensho Sugiyama-illustrated visuals, and even secret new visuals.

アイドル麻雀 ファイナルロマンスR




美少女麻雀ゲーム「ファイナルロマンスR」がNintendo Switchで堂々復活!!


「各種アニメーション」、「すぎやま現象描き下ろしビジュアル」、さらに「マル秘の新規ビジュアル」などをじっくり鑑賞できる「ALBUM MODE」を解放せよ!

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