Fuga: Melodies of Steel: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.0.2 su Nintendo Switch

CyberConnect2 ha pubblicato un nuovo update per Fuga: Melodies of Steel, titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.0.2 su Nintendo Switch.

L’RPG strategico a turni di CyberConnect2 è stato infatti pubblicato lo scorso 29 luglio 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

The story takes place on a floating continent, an archipelago of both small and large floating islands where two species known as Caninu and Felineko live.

Malt, a young Caninu shepherd, lives with his little sister Mei in Petit Mona, a little village located in the Free Lands of Gasco.

Over the course of a single night, the Berman Empire invades and throws the village into the flames of war.

Malt and his friends manage to get away thanks to their families who were subsequently captured and taken away.

Escaping to a mountain cave, Malt and the other children discover a gigantic tank called the Taranis. They jump aboard, heading out on a journey to save their families!

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