Spelunky e Spelunky 2: uno sguardo in video ai titoli dai Nintendo Switch europei

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato dei video gameplay su Spelunky e Spelunky 2, titoli in arrivo prossimamente sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Gli action platform di Mossmouth e Blitworks, saranno pubblicati il prossimo 26 agosto 2021 sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare i video pubblicati in calce all’articolo.



Spelunky is a unique platformer with randomly-generated, fully-destructible levels that offer a challenging new experience each time you play. Journey deep underground and explore fantastic places filled with all manner of monsters, traps, and treasure. You’ll have complete freedom while you navigate the fully-destructible environments and master their many secrets. To stay or flee, to kill or rescue, to shop or steal… in Spelunky, the choice is yours and so are the consequences!

Spelunky 2

Meet the next generation of explorers as they find themselves on the Moon, searching for treasure and missing family. Spelunky 2 builds upon the unique, randomized challenges that made the original a classic, offering a huge adventure designed to satisfy players old and new. Explore the game alone, play locally with up to four players, or, for the first time, join up with friends online to unravel its mysteries together (or battle it out in competitive Arena modes).

Spelunky 2’s world is even denser than the one in the original game, offering more areas, characters, traps, and items, as well as new ways to interact with them (and for them to interact with each other). The world has expanded in other ways, too, with branching paths and multi-layered levels adding a third dimension to the classic 2d platforming gameplay.

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