Mail Mole: il titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.2.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo update per Mail Mole, titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.2.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il platform 3D di Talpa Games e Undercoders sarà infatti pubblicato nell’estate 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

ver. 1.2.0

Molty is back on business!

Mail Mole returns with a free content update named ‘Xpress Deliveries! Get your mailbag ready to take on the new speed-focused extra missions, unlock a brand new collection of costumes from your favorite indie games, try them on to create summer postcards with the new photo mode and challenge the best players with the new Boss Rush Mode and Speedrun Options.

Return to Carrotland

Mail Mole is a charming 3D platformer, released on March 2021 to positive reviews, featuring an unusual hero in his quest to make his most important deliveries yet. Molty, the Mail Mole, returns to Carrotland this summer, to expand his adventure with new challenges, costumes, game modes and lots of options to please all platforming enthusiasts!

Key Features

– 8 speed-focused brand new Levels
– New costumes from awarded indie games
– New photo mode to create summer postcards
– New Boss Rush mode to challenge your abilities
– New speedrun options for the fastest mailmoles

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