Pocket Warriors: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Pocket Warriors, disponibile prossimamente sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’action adventure di Flying Spaghetti, sarà pubblicato lo scorso 11 giugno 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video in calce all’articolo.

Fight against the evil, beat up bad guys and save the realm!

Garry the Wizard is gaining more influence over the kingdom and chaos is taking over the realm.
You are the only one who can put this to an end. Grab your gear and set out on an adventure to save the world!

As the saviour of the Zooricia Kingdom you will fight against wizards, great warriors and guardians of the realm. On your way to saving the realm you will encounter many dangerous enemies

If the Story Mode is too difficult or slow-paced, you can challenge yourself and improve your skills in Survival Mode or challenge your friends and fight against each other in PvP Mode!

Precedente Pokèmon Masters EX: svelato l’arrivo dell’evento, Lotte regionali giornaliere Successivo Nintendo eShop: le uscite settimanali su Nintendo Switch del 10 giugno 2021