Rise Eterna, il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.0.1 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Qualche ora fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo update per Rise Eterna, titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.0.1 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’RPG tattico di Forever Entertainment sarà pubblicato il prossimo 13 maggio 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Rise Eterna v.1.0.1.
– Fixed instant adding of resources from gem trading to crafting inventory
– Increased scrolling speed for combat camera
– Added Portuguese and Polish languages
– Decreased d-pad navigation speed on Combat Map
– Fixed naming in story videos
– Fixed Sothy and Jag looting issue on their acquirement maps
– Fixed missing font glyphs in subtitles
– Fixed issue with hidden beast enemy battle
– Fixed wording in Japanese prologue video

Follow the story of Lua and unveil the mysteries surrounding her origins in the tactical RPG, reminiscence of the 16-bit era Japanese strategy games.

Feed your nostalgia with a tactical RPG inspired by the greatest classical titles. Take on an adventurous journey, meet a whole range of unique characters, and immerse yourself in an engaging storyline.

Recruit up to 14 characters, each with their unique abilities, and defeat your worst nightmare in epic fights. Unveil a dark and mature story focused on the relationship between two lost souls trying to discover the meaning of there life, fighting side by side.

Build your army: 14 characters and countless personalization possibilities. Learn skills, recruit unique heroes, and prepare them for battle. Turn them into war machines, the Empire deserves your wrath.

Craft: develop your characters using gems, crafted with numerous ingredients looted during battles.

Rich story: experience and share critical moments of Lua and Natheal’s life.

Hidden content: will you be able to find all the hidden characters and challenges? The game is deeper than you might think at first glance, search everywhere and become the unquestionable champion of Ars Rare kingdom.

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