Samurai Warriors 5: pubblicato il trailer finale giapponese dedicato al titolo

Koei Tecmo ha recentemente pubblicato il trailer finale giapponese di Samurai Warriors 5, prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

Il nuovo capitolo della serie musou di Omega Force e Koei Tecmo, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 27 luglio 2021 sulll’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

The group famous for their vocals and dancing, EXILE, have put together a brand new song that will act as the theme song for Samurai Warriors 5: “One Nation”.

EXILE’s lead songwriter, SHOKICHI:
“My approach to this song was to try and add even more beauty into the world of SAMURAI WARRIORS. I tried to express the exciting and lively aspects of the story, while at the same time adding the duality of the underlying emotional aspects to create a melody that was also sorrowful. I am very honored for this opportunity to create a song for a series with such a long history.”

This is a collaboration between EXILE and Samurai Warriors 5 which features a song in which you can feel the dramatic elements of the exhilarating 1 vs. 1000 action and the characters.

The 4th Samurai Warriors 5 live stream will take place on 5/27!

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