Super Bomberman R Online: il titolo in arrivo come free-to-play su Nintendo Switch


Konami ha recentemente annunciato l’arrivo imminente di Super Bomberman R Online, prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

L’ex esclusiva Google Stadia, raggiungerà infatti nei prossimi mesi l’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch, in formato free-to-play, al contrario del titolo originale apparso al lancio della console ibrida della casa nipponica.

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale, in calce all’articolo.

As Bomberman returns with the gameplay that has made the franchise a party game classic—blast through battlefields, find hidden power-ups and use them to blow away foes, the action in Super Bomberman R Online erupts to new-heights with the “Battle 64” mode. Delivering the ultimate battle royale experience, up to 64 players are spread across 16 starting battlefields. As levels are cleared and players are whittled down, the number of battlefields continue to shrink until the ultimate final battle to be the last bomber standing.

Super Bomberman R Online brings more than 100 customizable feature combinations, including numerous costumes, accessories and for the first time, bomb skins—affecting both the bomb and the blast itself. Players can further discern themselves from the rest with the optional Premium Pack (SRP $9.99 USD), giving access to 14 additional bomber characters that pay homage to classic Konami IPs such as Gradius, Silent Hill, Castlevania, and more!
While anyone in the world can jump into a “Battle 64” room, the Premium Pack allows players to create their own private Room Match with rulesets that include “Battle 64” mode, “Standard” mode with up to 16 players or “Grand Prix.” Grand Prix divides players into two teams of up three-versus-three to compete in earning points with the highest point total after the two battle rounds wins.

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