Bladed Fury: il titolo in arrivo il 25 marzo sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch


Qualche ora fa è emersa la data di uscita ufficiale di Bladed Fury, titolo disponibile nelle prossime settimane anche sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’action game 2D di PM Studios e NExT Studios, sarà pubblicato infatti il prossimo 25 marzo 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Trovate l’annuncio ufficiale di seguito.

PM Studios Comes out Swinging with Bladed Fury’s Console Launch Announcement

PM Studios Announces Launch Date for Bladed Fury on Consoles

LOS ANGELES – March 11th, 2021 | PM Studios is leading with their sword hands and announcing the launch date for Bladed Fury coming to consoles in digital and physical editionThis game will be slashing its way onto the PlayStation, Xbox, and the Nintendo Switch March 25th.

Bladed Fury is a classic 2D action game, based on Chinese mythology with an accompanying traditional art style and sound design, but with a dash of surrealism added to the mix. Featuring a fluid combat experience, a high-octane combo system, and a plethora of ancient enemies and deities to destroy, Bladed Fury is a truly addictive action game.

Take on the role of a Chinese princess fighting off rival clans to recapture your kingdom. Restore honor to your family as you hack and slash your way through this beautiful side-scroller and avenge the death of your father.

Physical pre-orders are still available in limited quantities via retailers. All Launch Edition copies of the game include a voucher code for the digital soundtrack.

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