Cave Bad: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Recentemente abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay di Cave Bad, titolo indipendente disponibile prossimamente su su Nintendo Switch.

L’action arcade game di eastasiasoft, è stato pubblicato lo scorso 3 marzo 2021 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Embark on a new roguelike adventure starring Oratio the Dwarf!

Pick up your pickaxe and plenty of bombs as you set forth into treacherous dungeons in pixelated 8-bit style! Set in the same universe as Pity Pit, Cave Bad sees Oratio the Dwarf return for more action-packed exploration, this time dealing with demons from a top-down perspective and using every tool at his disposal against the demons of the underground.

This roguelike adventure combines inspirations from genre classics with procedural generation to keep every run fresh and unpredictable. Take down baddies with melee attacks or lay bombs strategically. Solve puzzles, collect items, purchase new gear and push your limits to reach even higher scores!



• Take the role of loveable dwarf Oratio!

• Explore 8-bit dungeons filled with puzzles and enemy encounters.

• Collect coins to purchase health packs, weapons and more!

• Overcome menacing boss battles.

• Enjoy a catchy chiptune soundtrack along the way!

Precedente Blaster Master Zero 3: il titolo annunciato ed in arrivo il 29 luglio sui Nintendo Switch europei Successivo Mary Skelter Finale: il titolo in arrivo nell'Autunno 2021 sui Nintendo Switch europei