UltraGoodness 2: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a UltraGoodness 2, indie game disponibile questa settimana sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’action game arcade di Rasul Mono e Ratalaika Games, sarà pubblicato il 12 febbraio 2021 sull’eShop europeo, americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video in questione di seguito.

Time-stopping battle action fun.

UltraGoodness 2 is a bloody mess of dynamic and fun action, about the struggle between Good and Evil in the world. Dark Forces are ready to be torn to pieces in this bloody action game, but now it’s blended with the time manipulation, and availability of permanent companion cat.

Kill enemies and maneuver through a hurricane of fireballs! Can you take on gruesome enemy hordes, deadly traps and challenging bosses?


UltraGoodness is about having fun, so turn off your brain and show ‘em your rage!



* Battle between Good and Evil

* Fast-paced shooting action gameplay

* Special time-motion mechanic

* Fluffy white cat companion with powerful upgrades

* Splatter blood all over the levels

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