Is It Wrong To Try To Shoot ’em Up Girls In A Dungeon? in arrivo dopo le vacanze natalizie su Nintendo Switch

PQube ha recentemente rivelato il periodo di uscita di Is It Wrong To Try To Shoot ’em Up Girls In A Dungeon?, presto disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

Il bonus game incluso con il pre-order di Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? – Infinite Combate, sarà infatti pubblicato gratuitamente per tutti gli utenti come rilascio separato dal gioco originario, ma solamente dopo le vacanze natalizie sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch.

La visual novel / dungeon crawler RPG di MAGES, basata sul noto anime “DanMachi”, sarà pubblicata il 7 agosto sui  2020 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Take control of Aiz Wallenstein, Loki Familia’s first-class swordswoman, and fight through hordes of enemies in this shoot’em up side-scroller based on DanMachi (Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?).

Aiz has powerful “wind shots.”

Choose from a total of five support characters from the story and utilize their diverse shooting styles to complete the dungeon! You start off with just Tiona and Lefiya, and you unlock the other three once you’ve cleared the game.

Collect power-ups that appear as you defeat enemies to gain power-ups, from speed to more lives, and get the best possible score!

The game has four stages, each with a boss, so get ready to change tactics and blast them away before trying again!

There are four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Hard and Death, giving a chance for beginners and experienced shooters alike to enjoy this free shoot’em up!

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