YesterMorrow: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Abbiamo recentemente pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a YesterMorrow, indie game disponibile questa settimana sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’adventure platform action di Blowfish Studios e Bitmap Galaxy, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 5 novembre 2020 sull’eShop europeo, americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video in questione di seguito.

In this 2D platformer adventure, follow Yui’s journey into the past as she navigates parallel timelines to save her family and a world trapped in the Never-ending Night.

Her world: destroyed. Her family: kidnapped. Join our heroine Yui in a desperate attempt to save everything she loved! YesterMorrow is a single-player time-travelling 2D platformer mixing action sequences with puzzle elements. Follow Yui’s adventure into the past where she must overcome obstacles and access hidden locations to salvage the remnants of a world trapped in Never-ending Night. Intent on helping the remaining survivors and freeing her family from the clutches of Shadows, what she discovers along the way will leave her with a difficult choice: what will she choose when the fate of her world and the Order of Timekeepers rests in her hands?

Through her journey, Yui will:
– Learn the mysteries of Everlight that will grant her the power to wield special abilities and cleanse the world from the Shadows.
– Traverse across two different timelines, enjoying the serene calmness of the past and battling her way through the corrupted world of the future.
– Explore the vast world of YesterMorrow, spanning four distinct islands: visit lush forests, abandoned deserts, hardened icy tundras and finally, the Island of Time, where she will fight to change the fate of her world!
– Encounter dozens of colourful creatures and take on challenging bosses.
– Solve puzzles and find new ways to use the environment to her advantage!
– Locate hidden areas, collecting power ups and lore entries detailing the world and its inhabitants.
– Pet all the animals!

Precedente Metaverse Keeper: il titolo in arrivo il 12 novembre sull'eShop di Nintendo Switch Successivo Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice, il titolo in arrivo nella primavera 2021 sui Nintendo Switch europei