Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, il titolo in arrivo il 28 ottobre su Nintendo Switch


Pochi istanti fa è stata rivelata la data di uscita ufficiale di Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

Il secondo capitolo dell’action RPG di Cornfox & Brothers, sarà infatti pubblicato il 28 ottobre 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale di seguito.

Epic Odyssey ‘Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm’ Launches on Nintendo Switch October 28

The Apple Arcade hit title will soon be available for pre-order on the eShop!

Helsinki, Finland — October 14th, 2020 — Independent developer Cornfox & Brothers today announced that their acclaimed action adventure RPG, Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, is coming to Nintendo Switch on October 28th for €29.99/$29.99/£29.99. Oceanhorn 2 pre-orders begin on October 21st with a 10% discount. Players embark on an epic adventure through a gorgeous open world, in an attempt to save Gaia by uniting the land folk against imminent danger.

“We are extremely excited to be at the finish line of this important milestone for Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm,” said Heikki Repo, Creative Director of Cornfox & Brothers. “Nintendo Switch is such an ideal platform for this type of game, providing smooth controls and an overall enjoyable experience that feels natural. We can’t wait for everyone to try it out for themselves!”

Prequel to the acclaimed Oceanhorn: Monsters of Uncharted Seas, Oceanhorn 2 follows the adventures of a young Knight who sets out on a magical journey across the vast regions of Gaia to defend the lands and people of Arcadia from Warlock Mesmeroth’s Dark Army. Joined by Trin, the granddaughter of Arcadia’s leader Archimedes, and Gen, a mysterious robot wielding an old Samurai weapon, our young protagonist faces the impossible challenge of uniting the Owrus, Gillfolk, and humans in order to defeat Mesmeroth’s formidable Dark Army. By controlling the characters with contextual commands, you must solve puzzles and fight in tactical battles to strike down your enemies in hack ‘n slash combat, traversing a Zelda-esque open-world landscape. The 20-hour action-filled RPG is currently available on Apple Arcade.

For more information about Oceanhorn 2, check out:
Official website: https://www.oceanhorn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oceanhorn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cornfox

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