Indivisible: svelati tutti gli ultimi update in arrivo anche su Nintendo Switch

505 Games ha recentemente rivelato tutti gli ultimi update in arrivo su Indivisible, anche sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo di Lab Zero, rinviato negli scorsi mesi, e’ stato pubblicato lo scorso 28 aprile 2020 sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €29,99.

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale di seguito.

In light of the recent restructuring and dissolution of Lab Zero, 505 Games would like to clarify what this means for the future of Indivisible.

At this stage, apart from content that is already in submission, there will unfortunately be no more production on the game.

We understand that longtime players have been waiting for Guest Characters as well as some Backer-created characters. Regretfully, this additional content will not be added to the game.

There is an update for Nintendo Switch that is already in submission. It will add Razmi’s Challenges, New Game+ and Couch Co-Op to the Nintendo Switch. That update will bring all platforms to the same level of development and offer a complete game experience to all current and future players. This is expected to release this month starting on October 13th and rolling out to other regions afterwards.

Indivisible is a game of diversity, inclusion, friendship and evolution. 505 Games worked with the talented and creative people at Lab Zero for many years to bring Indivisible to life.

We are proud of the game that was created and are happy that it has received the positive response that it deserves. We are sorry the journey has ended this way.

We wish to thank all the Indivisible players, new and old, who have supported the game. From the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate you all.

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