Commander Keen in Keen Dreams: Definitive Edition, uno sguardo al classico titolo in video dai Nintendo Switch europei

Pochi istanti fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Commander Keen in Keen Dreams Definitive Edition, in arrivo a fine agosto su Nintendo Switch.

La versione modernizzata del classico Commander Keen del 1991, sarà pubblicata il prossimo 27 agosto 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il video in questione di seguito.

Commander Keen is back. In the modernised Definitive Edition of the lost episode “Keen Dream”, Keen has to fend off a nasty nightmare about evil vegetables. The Definitive Edition features full widescreen support, twelve all-new levels – doubling the length over the 1990 original – and a full music score. The game structure has been reworked to make the game a more modern experience without sacrificing any of the original charm!


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