Klaus: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Pochi istanti fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su Klaus, titolo indipendente scaricabile da settimana prossima sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’action/platform puzzle game di La Cosa Entertainment sarà pubblicato il prossimo 18 giugno 2020 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

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Klaus is lost and alone. Who? Where? Why? He doesn’t know anything. Only you can help him find the truth. Join Klaus and K1 – a friendly brute – as you explore this puzzle platform game.

Klaus is a 2D puzzle platformer with a self-aware narrative. Its design takes inspiration from classics games combined with a tense and emotionally engaging story.

Klaus discovers his identity while trying to escape from a mysterious basement. It‘s a self-discovery journey in which Klaus will remember his past through interactive memories. Each memory is playable in a unique way with different mechanics than other sections of the game. Just like in real life, the dreamy worlds of the memories don’t follow the same rules of the rest of the game.

During your journey, a “friendly” guy called K1 joins the team. K1 is a brawler, at least in part, and with his destructive prowess he’s able to smash obstacles and do Shoryukens without breaking a sweat. Klaus and K1 can be controlled separately or cooperatively to solve puzzles, although sometimes they’ll be split apart. Each character, of course, has his own motives.

•6 worlds, 34 levels, 100+ rooms, 3 Bosses.
•Critically-praised non-interruptive narrative. The story unfolds while you play.
•Two playable characters with unique skill sets and cooperative gameplay.
•4th wall breaking moments in gameplay and narrative.
•Hidden collectible levels add even more depth to an already emotional story.
•2 Endings.

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