E3 2020: la conferenza di Los Angeles ufficialmente cancellata per il Covid-19

The Entertainment Software Association ha ufficialmente annunciato la cancellazione dell’E3 2020, a causa delle conseguenti problematiche derivanti il Covid-19.

Come per tantissimi altri eventi infatti, che siano di natura sportiva, musicale, videoludica e/o legati all’intrattenimento umano, anche l’ormai ventennale conferenza di Los Angeles vedrà un cancellamento per via dei recenti accadimenti legati alla diffusione del Covid-19 (noto ai più come Coronavirus).

Anche Nintendo ha espresso la sua attraverso un comunicato ufficiale in merito alla situazione:

“Nintendo supports the ESA’s decision to cancel this year’s E3 to help protect the health and safety of everyone in our industry–our fans, our employees, our exhibitors and our longtime E3 partners. We would like to express our concern and support for all those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak during this challenging time.

“We”ll continue to be flexible and redirect our efforts to other ways of keeping our fans up to date about our activities and products. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, large industry events may be untenable for the foreseeable future. But we are considering various ways to engage with our fans and will have more to share as the year continues.”

After careful consultation with our member companies regarding the health and safety of everyone in our industry—our fans, our employees, our exhibitors and our longtime E3 partners—we have made the difficult decision to cancel E3 2020, scheduled for June 9 to 11 in Los Angeles.

Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global situation. We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold this event for our fans and supporters. But we know it’s the right decision based on the information we have today.

Our team will be reaching out directly to exhibitors and attendees with information about providing full refunds.

We are also exploring options with our members to coordinate an online experience to showcase industry announcements and news in June 2020. Updates will be shared on E3expo.com.

We thank everyone who shared their views on reimagining E3 this year. We look forward to bringing you E3 2021 as a reimagined event that brings fans, media, and the industry together in a showcase that celebrates the global video game industry.

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