Eve: Rebirth Terror, il titolo in arrivo il 27 febbraio sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi

El Dia ha recentemente rivelato l’arrivo di Eve: Rebirth Terror, disponbile da fine febbraio sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi.

La visual novel, sequel di EVE: Burst Error, uscito su PC nel 1999, sarà pubblicata il prossimo 27 febbraio 2020 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di 6,380 yen.

Potete trovare informazioni in merito al titolo di seguito.


One year since the Burst Error incident. Memories of the terrible tragedy faded and the world was once again at peace. The same was true for Kojirou Amagi and Marina Houjou. In their daily mundane, the pair continued to serve their roles and pursue various incidents. However, when their paths unexpectedly cross, fate once again pins them against a new tragedy…

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Kojirou Amagi’s Story

The Amagi Detective Agency is still as unpopular as ever. While the agency has worked simple cases and has not had trouble surviving thanks to the recruitment of its excellent assistant, Kojirou’s instincts as a detective are not satisfied and he passes each day in tedium.

Then one day, a request comes in for Kojirou to investigate the case of a missing teacher at Yale International Academy, a school that he is strongly connected to. Kojirou accepts the request to investigate this case, which gives off the shady feeling he has long not felt…

Marina Houjou’s Story

Marina, the legendary agent who once boasted a 99 percent mission success rate. However, due to a setback in a certain case, she stepped back from her work, and is currently burned out and on leave.

The mission given to Marina from the department head, who greeted her as usual as he did a year prior, was to reexamine the case of the researcher who mysteriously died. At the same time, she hears that countless hitmen from overseas are gathering in Japan…

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Eve: Rebirth Terror

■ Characters

Kojirou Amagi

Head of the Amagi Detective Agency. He possesses extraordinary detective skills, but his agency is in an extremely bad financial state. He prefers the more intense jobs, which stimulate his instincts more than plain, boring jobs.

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Marina Houjou

A first-class member of the Ministry Intelligence Investigation Division. Although she has remarkable ability and boasts a 99 percent mission success rate, she lost passion for her work and is on temporary leave. She was living a burned out every day, until…

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Yayoi Katsuragi

Head of the Katsuragi Detective Agency. Kojirou’s ex-girlfriend. She helped wipe the slate clean of the office’s bad reputation, leading it to regain its position as industry leader.

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Kyouko Himuro

Secretary for the Amagi Detective Agency. Both highly skilled and reliable, she is the lifeline of the office who perfectly handles the simple cases.

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Saburou Kouno

As head of the Intelligence Division, he is uncommonly sharp, and very understanding of Marina as her superior. On the other hand, he is concerned that her habit of running wild will rub off on his other subordinates.

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Misumi Kagawa

A former member of the Internal Inspection Department of Public Security. Now, she has been promoted again to a different position and seems to have ended her affair with Kouno.

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Kyouko Kirino

An apprentice dispatch investigator and Marina’s junior. If measured by ability alone, she is not far behind Marina, but she can be quite clumsy…

Eve: Rebirth Terror

Voice actors will be announced at a later date. Please look forward to the next update!

「EVE burst error」待望の続編、Nintendo Switchで登場!

失踪した教師、原因不明の遺体、再び起こる謎の事件。 二人の運命は、また新たな悲劇を辿る……。 バーストエラー事件から1年。 痛ましい悲劇の記憶も薄れ、世間はまた平和を取り戻していた。天城小次郎、法条まりなにとってもそれは同じ。退屈という枕詞の中に、2人は今日もそれぞれの職責に勤め、それぞれの事件を追いかけていた。だがそんな2人の道筋が、ふとしたことから交錯したとき、運命はまた新たな悲劇を辿る……。
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