Dragalia Lost: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.13.0 su Android e iOS

Il servizio notifiche e l’account Twitter di Dragalia Lost, ci informa dell’arrivo di un update, che porta ora il titolo mobile alla versione 1.13.0 su iOS e Android.

Il titolo realizzato in partnership con Cygames, uno studio giapponese che collaborerà con Nintendo nella realizzazione del titolo RPG “free to play”, è approdato il 27 settembre 2018 su iOS e Android negli USA.

Ecco le novità introdotte da Nintendo con il nuovo aggiornamento:

Version Update

Update 1.13.0 will be available for download around 4:00 AM, Oct 29, 2019.
You may install it when it becomes available; otherwise, an automatic update will occur at approximately 4:00 AM, Oct 31, 2019.
To celebrate the update, we’ll be sending all players a Tenfold Summon Voucher after the automatic update.
This notice will be modified after they’ve been distributed.
Note: The Tenfold Summon Voucher will not be distributed until after the automatic update, even if you complete the update to version 1.13.0 early.
■Update Details
Log-in bonus content changes
Considering the current game balance, we are changing the content of the daily login bonus.
Day Before After
1 Mana x5,000 Gold Crystals x10
2 Mana x5,000 Wyrmite x300
3 Wyrmite x30 Wyrmite x300
4 Rupies x20,000 Mana x10,000
5 Ethon Ashes x3 Rupies x30,000
6 Four-Leaf Clover x1 Consecrated Water x20
7 Wyrmite x40 Exquisite Honey x2
8 Exquisite Honey x2 Four-Leaf Clover x3
9 Wyrmite x50 Blessed Ethon Ashes x1
10 Summon Voucher x1 Summon Voucher x1
Additionally, players have been receiving three skip tickets each day, but it will be increased to six.
We hope you find these changes useful in your daily adventures.
Note: These changes will go into effect starting 7:00 AM, Oct 31, 2019. At that time, it will reset to the first day of the log-in bonus cycle, regardless of what day you were on before.
Unlocking from the unbinding screen will now be possible
An unlock confirmation screen will display when locked weapons, dragons, or wyrmprints are selected on the unbinding screen.
Certain facilities will remain effective even when in your storehouse
Facilities in the castle grounds that boost adventurers and dragons will remain effective even when they are in your storehouse.
With this change, you will be able to decorate your castle grounds as you wish without worrying about your might.
Note: Facilities that have special facility event effects will also remain effective while in your storehouse. Production facilities must be placed in the castle grounds to take effect. Otherwise, you will not be able to collect the produced items.
It will be possible to select the Halidom even while honey tea is being produced
It will be possible to select the Halidom even if honey tea is being produced and is available for collection.
Honey tea will only be collected when you tap the honey tea icon.
It will be possible to accept rewards for multiple completed endeavors as a batch
You will be able to accept rewards for endeavors that have stages, such as the endeavors for reaching a certain might, all at once up to the last stage you completed.
With this change, there will be no need to repeatedly accept rewards.
The page will now split when more than 100 endeavors are displayed.
Note: Starting 3:00 AM, Oct 29, 2019, it will not be possible to check endeavors beyond the 100th endeavor in the pre-update version. At that time, you can accept endeavor rewards and reduce the number of endeavors to 100 or lower to check them.
An exclamation mark will display on the Alliance button when you can claim the check-in reward
If you are able to claim the check-in reward for your Alliance, an exclamation mark will display on the Alliance button on the Home page.
Added a Display Speed option for the combat log
Under Options, you will be able to set the display speed for the combat log to Slow, Normal, or Fast.
You can switch it to Slow to thoroughly monitor the combat log, or switch it to Fast to make it display quickly.
■Other Changes
・Commas (,) will now be placed before every three digits in numbers displayed in game with four digits or more to make them easier to read (excluding some screens, such as during quests).
Example: 1000 → 1,000, or 10000→10,000,
・We will adjust the camera zoom distance when the screen is pinched during Elemental Ruins quests to prevent the camera from getting stuck in the background.
・A Raid tab will be added to Find a Room under Join Co-op when a raid event or Astral Raid event is live.
・We will change the text displayed above Gala Sarisse and Summer Cleo when they use their skills.
・We will reduce the amount of processing for certain UI elements during quests.
The following change will be applied in a data update around 3:30 AM, Oct 31, 2019.
・We will change the design for the icon above Ramona when she uses her skill, Forge Buster.
■Issues Fixed
The following issues have been fixed in this version:
・The attack marker for the first Phantom Assault attack did not display correctly in the The Imperial Onslaught quest Battle at Myriage Lake.
・When Natalie was affected by an HP absorption buff, the effect of that buff triggered when she reduced her own HP with her Clean Slate skill.
・Sometimes voiced lines did not play unless adventurers were tapped on the Home page.
・After initially dodging Mercury’s Aqua Spiral attack, AI adventurers would then move toward it and be hit, even though the attack was not finished.
・When defense was increased due to Gala Ranzal’s Experience’s Boon ability, the effect details did not display.
・In The Mercurial Gauntlet quests level 40 and higher, certain attacks from some adventurers and dragons did not hit Fafnir Roy III.
・The Energized state did not end when Ieyasu’s Blade Formation skill was used.
・Buff and debuff effects did not apply to the continuous HP recovery effect of Ieyasu’s Blade Formation skill.
・Sometimes adventurers afflicted with paralysis would take damage from paralysis fewer times than intended.
・When Delphi’s Ruination Cage skill was used while Visual Effects were set to Basic, the skill’s visual effect displayed as larger than the actual area of effect.
・The Mercurial Gauntlet (Flame) locked when the user switched to the The Mercurial Gauntlet screen after going to an Advanced Dragon Trials quest for which the Master difficulty was locked.
The following fixes will be applied in a data update around 3:30 AM, Oct 31, 2019.
・Ku Hai slipped through enemies when he performed a normal attack immediately after using a force strike boosted by his Keen Blade skill.
・Sometimes Vayu’s Purusha Prana skill did not hit small nearby enemies.
1. It may take time for the store to reflect the updated information. Players may not be able to perform updates due to their device’s data cache being full. If you are unable to perform the update, restart your device, and then try downloading it from the store.
2. Any adventurers and game screenshots shown are still in development.
Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost.

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