Cotton Reboot: lo shoot ‘em up è in arrivo nella primavera 2020 sui Nintendo Switch nipponici

Nelle scorse ore Beep ha annunciato la finestra di lancio di Cotton Reboot, disponibile prossimamente su Nintendo Switch.

Il reboot del classico shoot ’em up 2D di Success del 1991, arrivato anche su Super FAMICOM, sarà pubblicato nella primavera 2020 sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi.

Potete trovare informazioni in merito al titolo originale di seguito.

Cotton is a 2D side-scrolling shooter in which the player takes the role of the young witch Cotton, who sets out on her magical broom on a quest to get her favorite candy. Fortunately for us her obsession gets her in the way of several world-threatening terrors that she must destroy in standard shooter fare.

The game features an experience-earning system in which the more enemies the player kills the more he can upgrade his weapon by collecting power crystals. Players can also charge their weapon for special attacks and enlist the aid of Silk, Cotton’s magical fairy friend who can form up in different “option” configurations.

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