Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi, la visual novel è in arrivo il 29 agosto sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi

Recentemente il Nintendo eShop ha rivelato la data di uscita in Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi, in arrivo prossimamente sui Nintendo Switch nipponici.

La visual novel di Prekano sarà infatti pubblicato il prossimo 29 agosto 2019 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch al prezzo di 1,980 yen, in caso di pre-download il titolo sarà accessibile 35%, ovvero a 1,280 yen.

Potete trovare informazioni in merito al titolo in calce all’articolo.

On the first day of his residency at the hospital, the first step to fulfilling his dream of becoming a doctor, Takuya met his childhood friend Mio for the first time in many years. She was now a nurse and showed him around during his busy training days.

One day, he fell down the stairs while protecting her and broke his right arm and left leg. As a result, his residency was put on hold while he was hospitalized. He was placed in Mio’s ward and she felt responsible for the accident. To cheer her up, he suggested that she could take care of him whenever she has free time, to which she readily agreed. It is the beginning of a hospital love story between a medical intern and a nurse who would go above her duties to take care of him.

大人の扉を開く恋、始まります。 研修医とナースとの病院ラブストーリー。

手軽に美少女ゲームが楽しめる「プレカノ」シリーズ。 ヒロインと二人きりの特別な空間、愛くるしい彼女との特別なひとときをお楽しみください! 夢だった医者になるための第一歩。 研修医として病院に赴任したその日、主人公はナースとなった幼馴染と数年ぶりに再会する。 病院では先輩になる彼女に細かいことを教わりつつ、忙しい研修の日々を過ごす主人公。 そんなある日、主人公は彼女をかばって階段から転落してしまう。 右腕と左足を骨折し、研修を一時中断して入院生活を余儀なくされてしまうはめに。 入院したのはその彼女がいる病棟。 骨折してベッドに横たわる主人公を見て、彼女は責任を感じたように落ち込んだ様子を見せる。 そんな彼女を励ますため、主人公は提案をすることにした。 「空いているときだけで良いから、俺の面倒を見てくれると嬉しい──」 「やるっ!」 かくして、ナースの職分を超えて主人公の世話をし始める彼女──赤木澪。 研修医であるボクと彼女の織りなす、病院ラブストーリー。
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