Splatoon 2: il titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 5.0.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Nintendo ha recentemente pubblicato un nuovo update per Splatoon 2, ora aggiornato alla versione 5.0.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

La patch pubblicata ora da Nintendo, andrà ad apportare correzioni e miglioramenti al gameplay delle armi, modalità, stage e via dicendo.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

  • Changes to Multiplayer
    • Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed.
      Weapon Change
      • Sploosh-o-matic
      • Neo Sploosh-o-matic
      • Sploosh-o-matic 7
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 57%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Splattershot Jr.
      • Custom Splattershot Jr.
      • Kensa Splattershot Jr.
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 57%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Splash-o-matic
      • Neo Splash-o-matic
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 57%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Aerospray MG
      • Aerospray RG
      • Aerospray PG
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 57%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • .52 Gal
      • .52 Gal Deco
      • Kensa .52 Gal
      • Increased radius of ink coverage around feet when firing by roughly 4%.
      • .96 Gal
      • .96 Gal Deco
      • Decreased variance of shot spread when firing while on the ground by roughly 8%.
      • Luna Blaster
      • Luna Blaster Neo
      • Kensa Luna Blaster
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 25%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Increased damage dealt to the Rainmaker barrier by roughly 11%.
      • Clash Blaster
      • Clash Blaster Neo
      • Increased damage dealt to the Rainmaker barrier by roughly 11%.
      • Rapid Blaster
      • Rapid Blaster Deco
      • Kensa Rapid Blaster
      • Increased damage dealt to the Rainmaker barrier by roughly 11%.
      • Rapid Blaster Pro
      • Rapid Blaster Pro Deco
      • Increased damage dealt to the Rainmaker barrier by roughly 11%.
      • Carbon Roller
      • Carbon Roller Deco
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 20%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Splat Roller
      • Krak-on Splat Roller
      • Kensa Splat Roller
      • Hero Roller Replica
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 19%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Dapple Dualies
      • Dapple Dualies Nouveau
      • Clear Dapple Dualies
      • Increased damage dealt to the umbrella portion of the following weapons by roughly 57%.
        • Tenta Brella
        • Tenta Sorella Brella
        • Tenta Camo Brella
      • Explosher
      • Custom Explosher
      • Decreased the maximum radius of ink coverage for shots fired from beyond a certain distance by roughly 9% with the amount depending on the distance.
      • This change won’t apply to shots fired from flat ground that travel the maximum distance but will apply to long-range shots fired to an area of higher or lower elevation.
      • Ballpoint Splatling
      • Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau
      • Roughly doubled the amount of shot spread when firing in long-range mode immediately after jumping.
    • Specifications for the following sub weapon have changed.
      Sub Weapon Change
      • Curling Bomb
      • Increased maximum damage dealt by an exploding bomb from 150.0 to 180.0.
      • Autobomb
      • Increased maximum damage dealt by an exploding bomb from 150.0 to 180.0.
    • Specifications for the following special weapons have been changed.
      Special Weapon Change
      • Sting Ray
      • Decreased damage dealt to opponents when the Sting Ray’s beam passes through at least one stage object before hitting them by roughly 17%.
      • The Sting Ray’s beam is considered to be passing through a stage object if the central part of the ink beam is touching the object in question.
      • Decreased the additional damage dealt to opponent ink armor when the Object Shredder gear ability is equipped from roughly 3.0 times normal to roughly 1.25 times normal damage.
      • Baller
      • Baller will no longer deal 180.0 damage to anything past a certain height above its explosion.
      • As a result of this change, and when it explodes on flat ground, the baller will no longer deal 180.0 damage to opponents in mid-air performing a Splashdown, or those who’ve pressed B while using an Inkjet to gain extra height.
      • There is no change to the range in which an exploding Baller will deal 55.0 damage.
    • Points required for using specials have been changed for certain main weapons.
      Weapon Before After
      • Kensa Splattershot Pro
      200 210
      • L-3 Nozzlenose
      170 190
      • Explosher Custom
      210 220
  • Fixed an issue causing the umbrella portions of Brella weapons to launch in unintended directions when launched after first touching an opponent’s Splash Wall.
  • Fixed an issue in Rainmaker mode causing the counter to advance further than intended when landing from a super jump and picking up the Rainmaker at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in certain stages in Clam Blitz mode, where certain platforms near the goal baskets used for tossing the Power Clam were not properly inked by a Splashdown used near them.
  • Fixed an issue in Port Mackerel causing a player to fall off the stage and get splatted when pushed into a specific outer wall in the stage as the result of an opponent’s attack.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in Kelp Dome during certain modes, allowing players to cross over certain barriers to gain access to the area around the opponent’s Spawn Point.
  • Fixed an issue occurring in Blackbelly Skatepark during certain modes, allowing players to cross over certain barriers to gain access to the area around the opponent’s Spawn Point.
  • Fixed an issue occurring when using an Inkjet at a specific time near the rotating central platform in Wahoo World. This issue caused players returning to their starting position after the Inkjet’s effect ended to enter into the stage terrain.
  • Changes to Salmon Run
    • Fixed an issue causing a player sinking in the water with a Scrapper nearby to appear in an unnatural position.
    • Fixed an issue causing a player trapped in a corner and surrounded by Salmonids to rarely become trapped inside stage terrain when using a super jump in the above circumstances.
    • Fixed an issue occurring in Ruins of Ark Polaris making ride rails difficult to ride when approaching the rail’s starting point from certain angles while in squid form.

Splatta dove, quando e con chi vuoi in Splatoon 2, solo su Nintendo Switch. Le tradizionali mischie mollusche quattro contro quattro fanno il loro ritorno in questo secondo capitolo della serie, insieme a nuovi livelli, nuovi stili, nuove armi e molto altro!

Nelle mischie mollusche l’obiettivo è semplice: controllare più territorio possibile imbrattandolo con l’inchiostro della propria squadra. La squadra che controlla più territorio vince la partita! Trasformati in un calamaro per nuotare nell’inchiostro della tua squadra. Usa questi talenti per scalare pareti ricoperte d’inchiostro della tua squadra e raggiungere punti sopraelevati, ottimi per tendere imboscate agli ignari avversari.


Nuove armi

Il nuovo repolper duplo si aggiunge all’arsenale a tua disposizione, insieme a una nuova mossa che ti permette di schivare gli attacchi avversari. Anche capisaldi come il rullo splat e lo splatter a carica fanno il loro ritorno, con una forma leggermente diversa, accompagnati da nuove armi speciali.

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Nuova modalità: Salmon Run

Coopera con fino a tre altri giocatori per sconfiggere ondate di Salmonoidi e raccogliere le uova preziose che si lasciano dietro in questa nuova modalità.

Multiplayer locale* e online**.

Per la prima volta, puoi partecipare a mischie mollusche in multiplayer locale, in tutte e tre le modalità di gioco supportate da Nintendo Switch: portatile, da tavolo e TV. Fino a 10 console Nintendo Switch possono collegarsi tra loro tramite connessione LAN quando sono inserite nella loro base, permettendo a otto giocatori e due spettatori di creare tornei in locale senza bisogno di una connessione a Internet. Fanno il loro ritorno anche le battaglie online.


Modalità per singolo giocatore

Una delle famose Sea Sirens, Stella, è scomparsa e Marina ti ha incaricato di ritrovarla! Usa armi diverse, come il rullo, il secchiostro, lo splatling e il nuovo repolper duplo per superare ostacoli, sconfiggere nemici e abbattere boss enormi!

Nuovi modi di giocare

Gioca sulla TV, in modalità portatile o in modalità da tavolo usando i Joy-Con o il Nintendo Switch Pro Contoller (venduto separatamente) usando i sensori di movimento per mirare accuratamente!

Nuove mode

Sono passati due anni nel mondo di Splatoon e tante cose sono cambiate. Troverai alcuni personaggi familiari e diverse facce nuove.

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Nuovi livelli

Splatoon 2 include livelli tutti nuovi, come il Tintodromo Montecarpa e il Centro polpisportivo.

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Nuovi aggiornamenti

Dopo il lancio arriveranno degli aggiornamenti, con nuovi livelli, stili e armi, proprio come accaduto con il primo gioco.

Supporto ai dispositivi smart

Un’applicazione per dispositivi smart per la console Nintendo Switch migliorerà il matchmaking e permetterà di usare la chat vocale.

*Per giocare in multiplayer locale, ogni giocatore deve disporre di una console e di una copia del gioco.

**Il gioco online richiede una connessione a Internet. È necessario registrare e collegare un account Nintendo e accettare l’Accordo per l’account Nintendo e la Policy sulla Privacy. Per usufruire dei servizi online è necessario un account Nintendo. A partire da questo autunno, per usufruire di alcuni servizi online sarà necessario un abbonamento a pagamento. Alcuni servizi online potrebbero non essere disponibili in tutti i paesi. Scopri di più sull’abbonamento a pagamento.



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