Combat Core: uno sguardo in video al titolo dall’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay su Combat Core, indie in arrivo questa settimana su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo fighting arena 3D di MABManZ sarà pubblicato il prossimo 10 gennaio 2019 sull’eShop americano di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di $19.99.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato in calce all’articolo.

High-Powered Arena Fighter

Combat Core is a 3D arena fighting game sporting a colorful mix of modern aesthetics and futuristic cyberpunk. Fighters from across the galaxy have gathered to compete in the Combat Core League!

The fighting mechanics focus on fast-paced combat, strategic use of your environment, and weapons in the arena. Fight against challenging AI or your friends, online or offline!

– High-Powered Combat from 1v1 to 4 player battle royale or team modes

-Physics-based environment destruction and interactive ragdolls

-Original Characters with fun, unique movesets and strengths

-Combat Cores can boost fighter stats and grant special attacks to fit your play style!

-Local Multiplayer + Online Multiplayer

-Interactive Arenas with a variety of mechanics and hazards

-Weapon Pickups ranging from lazer swords to energy grenade launchers, with multiple attacks and uses

-Full Character Editor to create custom fighters with different gear, stats, and skills

Precedente Piczle Colors: il titolo è in arrivo il 31 gennaio sull'eShop di Nintendo Switch Successivo Samurai Warriors 4 DX: pubblicato il primissimo trailer dedicato al titolo