Spectrum: primo sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Spectrum, titolo indie disponibile da questo momento sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo platformer realizzato da 3D Avenue, è stato pubblicato da Digerati il 20 agosto 2018 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Trovate il video pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.

Spectrum release dates confirmed for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One

Release dates confirmed for stylish abstract platformer Spectrum – coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One in August

Plus, pre-order and launch discounts detailed

2 August, 2018 – Indie publisher Digerati is pleased to confirm the release dates for Spectrum, the colourful minimalist platformer from Venezuelan developer 3D Avenue. Spectrum will launch on 20 August for Nintendo Switch, 21/22 August for PS4 (NA/EU respectively), and 24 August for Xbox One.

Spectrum will be available to pre-order from the Nintendo eShop starting 10 August. For Xbox One, pre-orders will begin 13 August in the Xbox Store. There will be a 20% discount on all pre-orders. For PS4, PS Plus subscribers will be entitled to a 20% launch discount, which will run until 5 September.

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