Element: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Element, titol disponibile questa settimana su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo strategico in tempo reale di Flightless, sarà disponibile sull’eShop americano di Nintendo Switch il prossimo 27 luglio 2018, al prezzo di $11.99.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato in calce all’articolo.

Element is a realtime strategy space game for people who don’t have time to play realtime strategy space games.

Home no longer provides a means to survive.
A fight for resources to escape our system has begun.
The future lies beyond…

Element is a visually stunning realtime strategy space game with a focus on sharp, accessible gameplay.

Element is for lovers of beautifully crafted, original looking games. It is for people who are into space and strategy games but don’t have hours of time to invest. It’s also for gamers who enjoy launching missiles and blowing things up 🙂

You are escaping a decaying solar system. You must visit each planet, mine enough element, and defeat the enemy to progress to the outer planets and beyond. Generate energy, mine element, build attack and defence units, and destroy the enemy while maintaining a balance between earth, air and water.

Precedente TETRA’s Escape: il titolo è in arrivo nel mese di agosto su Nintendo Switch Successivo Red's Kingdom: il titolo è in arrivo il 16 agosto sull'eShop di Nintendo Switch