Shining Resonance Refrain: pubblicato un video livestream di un’ora sul titolo

SEGA ha recentemente tenuto un livestream dedicato a Shining Resonance Refrain, titolo in arrivo nei prossimi mesi anche su Nintendo Switch.


Shining Resonance Refrain è anche scaricabile in pre-order sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, occupando 6.5GB di spazio effettivo di memoria, al prezzo scontato di €44,99.

E’ stata rilasciata anche una demo, che offrirà solamente una mezzora di gioco, con il doppiaggio inglese come unica scelta disponibile, ed ora scaricabile dall’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, con un peso pari a 627 MB di spazio richiesto sulle console europee.

La remastered del titolo JRPG originariamente pubblicato nel 2014 su PS3, vedrà la luce nel il prossimo 10 luglio anche sui Nintendo Switch europei, e il 12 luglio su quelli giapponesi.

Shining Resonance Refrain avrà una risoluzione di 1080p in fase docket, con un lavoro certosino di SEGA nel garantire un frame rate dignitoso anche per la versione Nintendo del titolo, che pare sarà essenzialmente identica alle altre.

Il titolo conterrà tutti i contenuti dell’originale, compresi i DLC, e avrà il dual audio e la nuova Refrain Mode. Potete trovare il video pubblicato in calce all’articolo.

Remastered with New Refrain Mode

Shining Resonance Refrain remasters the original Shining Resonance, previously released on PlayStation® 3 only in Japan, and features dual audio with English and Japanese voices. In addition to all of the original’s DLC, now included as part of the base “Original Mode,” Shining Resonance Refrain packs a new “Refrain Mode,” unlocking the Imperial Princess Excella and Dragonslayer Jinas as party members for a new experience – just be sure to save this for your second playthrough to avoid any spoilers!

With real-time action combat, it will be important to utilize each party member’s unique abilities and strengths while deepening relationships with each character. Through events and dates, get to know your party members to unlock their full potential on the battlefield! Depending on the bonds of the characters, “Resonance” may occur between them, providing a new level of support, leading to victory.

Master the B.A.N.D. System

Dragoneers wield Armonics, ancient weapon-instruments, in order to perform mystical and powerful Rune Songs. Once you build enough BPM (Battle Performance Mana), your party will be able to perform a session through the B.A.N.D. system. Depending on which song you play and which character you set at the center, your party will be able to indulge in various beneficial effects. Certain characters may even perform the song in a special costume!

Draconic Launch Edition

Those who purchase the launch edition of Shining Resonance Refrain on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, will receive the game in a collectible metal slipcase, featuring character artwork of Excella, Sonia, and Kirika.

For more information, please visit shiningresonance.comShining Resonance Refrain will be available for $49.99 USD / $64.99 CAD and will be released this Summer.

Our Story So Far…

Yuma has the soul of the Shining Dragon within him, transforming into the ancient beast by unleashing the power conducted through his sword. Dragons, long thought to be extinct, make Yuma a target for the Empire. To use him against the kingdom of Astoria, The Empire captures Yuma. Sonia, princess of Astoria, launches a rescue mission with the help of the Dragoneers. Hearing about the plight of Astoria and their fight to save their land, Yuma decides to aid them. Typically timid, will he find the courage to realize the strength he has within him?

About SEGA® of America, Inc.:
SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Games Co., Ltd., a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home.  The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.  SEGA of America’s website is located at


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