Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story: pubblicato un trailer su Monomaria

Qualche minuto fa è stato pubblicato un nuovo trailer su Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story, il titolo RPG di Nippon Ichi, in arrivo su Nintendo Switch.

Your Four Knight Princesses Training Story sarà infatti pubblicato sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch, a partire dal prossimo 8 marzo 2018.

Potete osservare il trailer dedicato a Monomaria, in calce all’articolo.

A princess who works as a mercenary for the Noble Business Alliance. Since her parents’ untimely deaths, she has trouble even eating, but is struggling to overcome the trauma with her die-hard spirit. In order to fulfill her wish to avenge her parents and restore her family name, she tends to place strict regulations on herself.

Monomaria’s dedicated weapon is a Gatling gun. She is an all-rounder able to attack long range enemies with various gun attacks, and close range enemies with a bayonet.

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