Pokkén Tournament DX: il titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.1.0 su Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è stato pubblicato l’atteso update dedicato a Pokkén Tournament DX, arrivato nelle scorse settimane su Nintendo Switch.

Il nuovo aggiornamento che ha portato il titolo alla versione 1.1.0, darà la possibilità ai giocatori di creare match online in gruppo, offrirà nuovi premi quando si raggiungeranno livelli più alti nelle classifiche Ranked del gioco, ed altre altre piccole correzioni.

Lotte a squadre online: sfida i tuoi amici online in appassionati lotte a squadre. Ognuno potrà scegliere tre Pokémon con cui affrontare gli altri giocatori in lotte mozzafiato.

Incontri di gruppo ufficiali: verranno introdotti dei gruppi ufficiali per gli incontri di gruppo della lotta online. Dopo l’aggiornamento, i giocatori potranno partecipare a incontri di gruppo ufficiali e ricevere nuovi titoli speciali.

Riproduzione dei movimenti dei Pokémon: una nuova funzione permetterà di salvare i movimenti dei Pokémon durante l’allenamento libero. Potrai controllare il Pokémon avversario e salvare i suoi movimenti per poterli riprodurre successivamente durante l’allenamento e miglirare la tua tecnica.

Giocabilità migliorata: sono in programma molte altre modifiche che miglioreranno ancora di più l’esperienza di gioco.

Presto saranno disponibili ulteriori informazioni, non perdetevi i nuovi dettagli!.

Ricordiamo che Pokkén Tournament DX, è disponibile dallo scorso 22 settembre 2017 sui Nintendo Switch europei, sia in formato retail, che in quello digital, scaricabile dall’ eShop di Switch.

Potete trovare il changelog ufficiale pubblicato da Nintendo, in calce all’articolo.

  • Players can now participate in online Team Battles.
  • A recording feature has been added to Free Training in Practice Mode.
  • Players can get special titles based on their ranking in Official Group Matches.
    • Official Group Matches are groups held officially for Pokkén Tournament DX. Rewards are only available for certain Official Group Matches.
  • It is now possible to change how battle records are displayed.
  • Battle records will be displayed when players enter a group.
  • Team Battles are now available in Event Mode
  • Adjustments have been made to some Pokémon and attacks. Click here for details
    Pokémon Attack Adjustments
    All Battle Pokémon System Fixed an issue that caused Support Pokémon to be called and Synergy Burst to be activated simultaneously when players press L and R while being hit with an attack that does not cause hit stun.
    All Battle Pokémon Double Jump Fixed an issue where players couldn’t double jump diagonally after certain actions in Field Phase.
    Fixed an issue where players couldn’t double jump while affected by a positive status increasing their number of jumps.
    Lucario Forward Weak Attack Fixed an issue that allowed Lucario to move during a Burst Attack’s animation when hit by a Burst Attack with specific timing.
    Machamp Burst Attack Fixed an issue that allowed opponents to move during its Burst Attack’s animation.
    Suicine Aurora Beam Fixed an issue where an Aurora Beam to the left or right couldn’t be used from a canceled Ranged Attack.
    Gengar Permeate Fixed an issue that allowed players to use Permeate again after using Permeate, double jumping, and then using a Jumping Ranged Attack.
    Chandelure Overheat Fixed an issue where Chandelure did not turn black when affected by a negative status when its action was interrupted by an opponent’s attack.
    Chandelure Forward Strong Attack (Synergy Burst active) Fixed an issue that caused its stats to change after using Burst Attack.
    Garchomp Dragon Claw (Field Phase) Fixed an issue where players couldn’t transition to Running Stance when canceling a Ranged Attack into this move.
    Empoleon Grab attack (Duel Phase) Fixed an issue where some attacks would combo after a Phase Shift.
    Scizor Metal Claw Fixed an issue where some attacks would combo after a Phase Shift.
    Scizor Bug Bite to dash step Fixed an issue where Duel Phase moves could be used after a Phase Shift.
    Decidueye Razor Leaf to Soaring Stance to dash step Fixed an issue where players could double jump even if they were not affected by a positive status increasing Decidueye’s number of jumps.
    Decidueye Soaring Stance Fixed an issue where players temporarily lost control of the Pokémon after it was hit by an attack with specific timing.
    Decidueye Soaring Stance to Strong Attack Fixed an issue where when only the first hit connected, opponents were unable to move even after the hit stun had finished.

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Cappello panino e caschetto (donna) e Cappello panino e caschetto (uomo)


Abiti sportivi (donna) & Abiti sportivi (uomo)



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