The Misanthropic Girl, il titolo rivelato per l’arrivo nei prossimi mesi su Nintendo Switch

L’ultimo numero di Weekly Famitsu ha rivelato l’arrivo di The Misanthropic Girl, indie game disponibile prossimamente su Nintendo Switch.

L’action RPG open world di Chorus Worldwide e Hojo Games, sarà pubblicato nel corso dei prossimi mesi sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare l’annuncio in calce all’articolo.

The universe exists, and as it approaches its end, a decision is trying to rest on a newcomer.

By nature, all humans have are prayers. And those prayers are never answered. That is a type of purity.

Is there light on the other side? Or…?

It was the day school-refuser Tsukizaki showed up for the first time, without any warning, to Hasuue Daiichi High School.

She had dazzlingly-dyed blond hair, lifeless skin the color of white porcelain, and dark, cold eyes as if sunk to the bottom of a well.

She did not allow anyone to get close to her.

Precedente Centipede: Recharged, il titolo di Atari in arrivo il 29 settembre su Nintendo Switch Successivo Shin Megami Tensei V: pubblicato un trailer giapponese dedicato al demone Agathion