Animal Crossing: New Horizons, il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.4.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Nintendo ha recentemente pubblicato un nuovo update Animal Crossing: New Horizons, ora aggiornato alla versione 1.4.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons, il nuovo capitolo della rilassante serie simulativa di Nintendo, è stato pubblicato il 20 marzo 2020 sui Nintendo Switch europei e americani.

Vi ricordiamo inoltre la nostra guida, che vi mostrerà le differenze tra le opere d’arte false e autentiche di Volpolo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

Ver. 1.4.0 (Released July 30, 2020)

The software has been updated if you see “Ver. 1.4.0” in the upper-right corner of the title screen.

  • General updates
    • A new seasonal event, Fireworks Shows, has been added.
    • New limited-time seasonal items have been added to Nook Shopping.
    • A new feature was added to the NookPhone Camera app, allowing you to turn off the guide information by pressing in the R Stick.
    • The “funny glasses” item now matches up with player skin color variations.
  • Online connectivity features
    • A new feature allows you to sleep in a bed and meet Luna. You can upload a dream of your island via the internet or visit other uploaded dream islands.
    • New features have been added to the Custom Designs Portal. You can now search by design name or type. You can now create a list of favorite creators.
    • A new feature has been added for backing up save data to Nintendo’s servers via the internet. You can use backed up save data with the island backup restoration service if your Nintendo Switch system is lost or broken.
      • You must be a member of Nintendo Switch Online and enable backups within Animal Crossing: New Horizons to use this new feature.
      • Save data cannot be restored at a customer’s discretionary timing. If your system is broken, you must contact Nintendo Support to start a repair request. If you have lost your system, you must contact Nintendo Support.
      • This feature does not allow save data (island data) to be transferred to a different system. We currently plan on adding a save data transfer feature within 2020. Information on the feature and timing will be announced at a future time.
    • Learn more about the island backup restoration service.
  • Fixed issues
    • Other adjustments were made to improve the game play experience.
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