Dragalia Lost: svelato l’arrivo delle Void Battles con Luminous Chimera il 22 luglio

Il servizio notifiche e l’account Twitter di Dragalia Lost, hanno rivelato l’arrivo delle Void Battles con Luminous Chimera, disponibile settimana prossima nel titolo mobile.

Dal prossimo 12 aprile 2019 sarà possibile mettersi alle prova nelle Void Battle contro l’enorme drago di fuoco Void Agni, che richiederà un team di un punteggio complessivo di almeno 12.500.

Potete trovare l’annuncio su Twitter di seguito.

8:00 AM, Jul 16, 2020

Luminous Chimera Will Debut in Void Battles!

Luminous Chimera will appear in Void Battles starting 8:00 AM, Jul 22, 2020.
Weapons you can craft using materials obtained from the Luminous Chimera will also be added.
With a booming peal of thunder, a chimera wreathed in light plunges from the heavens. Its white light radiates like the sun, descending to trample the land. Just as a bolt of lightning tears the sky apart, the beast stained by black mana raises its sharpened claws to vanquish all.

Luminous Chimera (Light), Required Might: 13,000
■New Weapons You Can Craft Using Materials Obtained from the Luminous Chimera
Powerful new weapons will be added to the Void weapon series lineup under Crafting starting 8:00 AM, Jul 22, 2020.
You must have first obtained specific weapons before you can craft weapons using materials obtained from Luminous Chimera.
The required weapons are the light-attuned 5★ weapons that can be crafted using materials obtained from the Proud Manticore.
The weapon that is required differs based on the weapon type for the weapon you wish to craft. You can check the requirements by selecting Materials for the Luminous Chimera weapons on the Craft tab under Crafting.
Note: Weapons crafted using materials obtained from the Luminous Chimera cannot be dismantled.
Players must have completed up to Chapter 7 / 5-6 (Normal) of the main campaign to participate in Void Battles.
Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost!
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