Splatoon 2: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 5.2.2 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Nintendo ha recentemente pubblicato un nuovo update per Splatoon 2, ora aggiornato alla versione 5.2.2 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’aggiornamento in questione, svelato dal sito ufficiale di Nintendo, sarà disponibile il prossimo 22 aprile 2020 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

Ver. 5.2.2 (Released July 1, 2020)

Ver. 5.2.2 (Released June 30, 2020)

Changes to Multiplayer

  • Made it so players are unable to dive into ink on a wall and move along an unintended path in the time between using a Booyah Bomb and returning to the ground.
  • Fixed an issue in Starfish Mainstage in which players could invade the opposing team’s base if they jumped at the right time on top of a certain part of chain-link fencing.

Ver. 5.2.1 (Released June 15, 2020)

Changes to Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where if the player had Dualie-type weapons equipped, they could travel farther in the air than intended when dodge-rolling, as the result of a certain combination of movements.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could land in a different location than intended if they activated a Booyah Bomb and then quickly ended the effect.

Ver. 5.2.0 (Released April 15, 2020)

  • Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed.
    Weapon Change
    • .52 Gal
    • .52 Gal Deco
    • Kensa .52 Gal
    • Increased the likelihood the turf around your feet will be inked when firing.
    • Splat Roller
    • Krak-On Splat Roller
    • Kensa Splat Roller
    • Hero Roller Replica
    • Slightly extended the splash of ink from swinging sideways.
    • Flingza Roller
    • Foil Flingza Roller
    • Reduced the time required to swing the weapon overhead in a vertical swing by 3/60 of a second.
    • Tri-Slosher
    • Tri-Slosher Nouveau
    • Reduced the interval at which you can repeatedly swing by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • Heavy Splatling
    • Heavy Splatling Deco
    • Heavy Splatling Remix
    • Hero Splatling Replica
    • Decreased variance of shot spread when firing while on the ground by roughly 6%.
    • Splat Dualies
    • Enperry Splat Dualies
    • Kensa Splat Dualies
    • Hero Dualie Replicas
    • Slightly widened the spread of ink created by shots.
    • Glooga Dualies
    • Glooga Dualies Deco
    • Kensa Glooga Dualies
    • Decreased ink consumption from shots fired by roughly 7%.
    • Classic Squiffer
    • New Squiffer
    • Fresh Squiffer
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charge shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 1/60 of a second.
    • Splat Charger
    • Firefin Splat Charger
    • Kensa Charger
    • Hero Charger Replica
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charge shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • Splatterscope
    • Firefin Splatterscope
    • Kensa Splatterscope
    • Very slightly narrowed the width of the area inked by a fully charged shot.
    • The area inked remains unchanged for models without scopes (listed below).
      • Splat Charger
      • Firefin Splat Charger
      • Kensa Charger
      • Hero Charger Replica
    • The area inked remains unchanged for all shots that are not fully charged.
    • E-liter 4K
    • Custom E-liter 4K
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charged shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • E-liter 4K Scope
    • Custom E-liter 4K Scope
    • Very slightly narrowed the width of the area inked by a fully charged shot.
    • The area inked remains unchanged for models without scopes (listed below).
      • E-liter 4K
      • Custom E-liter 4K
    • The area inked remains unchanged for all shots that are not fully charged.
    • Ballpoint Splatling
    • Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau
    • Reduced the velocity of ink over long distances by 4%, and reduced the range.
    • Reduced movement speed by roughly 10% when charging and firing from a close range.
    • Tenta Brella
    • Tenta Sorella Brella
    • Tenta Camo Brella
    • Extended the time it takes to restore the umbrella portion after launching it or it being destroyed by roughly 40/60 seconds.
    • Increased ink consumption for spread shots by roughly 10%.
  • Specifications for some of the sub weapons have been changed.
    Sub Weapon Change
    • Toxic Mist
    • This will now effect opponent’s Ballers.
  • Specifications for the following special weapons have been changed.
    Special Weapon Change
    • Baller
    • Extended the time you have to hold down the ZR Button to trigger this by roughly 16/60 of a second.
    • When you have a weapon equipped that has a fast walking speed when not firing or a fast squid-form swimming speed, increased acceleration on the ground to allow you to move more quickly.
    • This applies to the following weapons that can use a Baller.
      • Aerospray RG
      • Luna Blaster
      • Inkbrush Nouveau
      • Undercover Sorella Brella
    • When you have a weapon equipped that has a fast walking speed when not firing or a fast squid-form swimming speed, reduced maximum speed by roughly 14%.
    • This applies to the following weapons that can use a Baller.
      • Custom Explosher
    • Bubble Blower
    • Extended the time until a bubble pops naturally by roughly 2 seconds.
    • Reduced the size of the first and second bubbles.
    • The first bubble is the smallest, the second is slightly larger, and the third bubble onward will be the same size as before.
    • The area over which damage is dealt and the area which is inked by an exploding bubble depends on the size of the bubble.
  • Points required for using specials have been changed for certain main weapons.
    Weapon Before After
    N-ZAP83 180 170
    Custom Range Blaster 180 170
    L-3 Nozzlenose 210 220
    Foil Squeezer 180 190
    Inkbrush Nouveau 160 180

The changes in this update are designed to lower the abilities of a portion of all weapons and specials that, based on analysis of statistical data, had obtained an advantage in results.

Our intention is that this will entice players to explore these weapons, while retaining their individual strengths of the weapons in scenarios where they are advantageous.

We reference various sorts of statistical data for these adjustments, but in particular for those which lower the abilities of certain weapons, we’ve focused on data from matches between players of high Rank.

We will issue future updates after looking carefully at changes resulting from this update, as well as the overall state of statistical data over the long term.

Other Changes

  • Changed the unlock conditions for Tracks #20 through #26 in Squid Beatz 2 so that anyone can play them.
  • Extended the time limit to play your next game after you repeatedly disconnect within a short period of time.
    • This change will affect only those with frequent disconnects, less than 1% of all active players worldwide.
    • The more frequent your disconnects over a short period of time, the longer the time limit to play your next game will be.
  • When you download the latest update data, you will no longer be able to connect with players in The Shoal who have older update data.

Splatta dove, quando e con chi vuoi in Splatoon 2, solo su Nintendo Switch. Le tradizionali mischie mollusche quattro contro quattro fanno il loro ritorno in questo secondo capitolo della serie, insieme a nuovi livelli, nuovi stili, nuove armi e molto altro!

Nelle mischie mollusche l’obiettivo è semplice: controllare più territorio possibile imbrattandolo con l’inchiostro della propria squadra. La squadra che controlla più territorio vince la partita! Trasformati in un calamaro per nuotare nell’inchiostro della tua squadra. Usa questi talenti per scalare pareti ricoperte d’inchiostro della tua squadra e raggiungere punti sopraelevati, ottimi per tendere imboscate agli ignari avversari.


Nuove armi

Il nuovo repolper duplo si aggiunge all’arsenale a tua disposizione, insieme a una nuova mossa che ti permette di schivare gli attacchi avversari. Anche capisaldi come il rullo splat e lo splatter a carica fanno il loro ritorno, con una forma leggermente diversa, accompagnati da nuove armi speciali.

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Nuova modalità: Salmon Run

Coopera con fino a tre altri giocatori per sconfiggere ondate di Salmonoidi e raccogliere le uova preziose che si lasciano dietro in questa nuova modalità.

Multiplayer locale* e online**.

Per la prima volta, puoi partecipare a mischie mollusche in multiplayer locale, in tutte e tre le modalità di gioco supportate da Nintendo Switch: portatile, da tavolo e TV. Fino a 10 console Nintendo Switch possono collegarsi tra loro tramite connessione LAN quando sono inserite nella loro base, permettendo a otto giocatori e due spettatori di creare tornei in locale senza bisogno di una connessione a Internet. Fanno il loro ritorno anche le battaglie online.


Modalità per singolo giocatore

Una delle famose Sea Sirens, Stella, è scomparsa e Marina ti ha incaricato di ritrovarla! Usa armi diverse, come il rullo, il secchiostro, lo splatling e il nuovo repolper duplo per superare ostacoli, sconfiggere nemici e abbattere boss enormi!

Nuovi modi di giocare

Gioca sulla TV, in modalità portatile o in modalità da tavolo usando i Joy-Con o il Nintendo Switch Pro Contoller (venduto separatamente) usando i sensori di movimento per mirare accuratamente!

Nuove mode

Sono passati due anni nel mondo di Splatoon e tante cose sono cambiate. Troverai alcuni personaggi familiari e diverse facce nuove.

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Nuovi livelli

Splatoon 2 include livelli tutti nuovi, come il Tintodromo Montecarpa e il Centro polpisportivo.

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Nuovi aggiornamenti

Dopo il lancio arriveranno degli aggiornamenti, con nuovi livelli, stili e armi, proprio come accaduto con il primo gioco.

Supporto ai dispositivi smart

Un’applicazione per dispositivi smart per la console Nintendo Switch migliorerà il matchmaking e permetterà di usare la chat vocale.

*Per giocare in multiplayer locale, ogni giocatore deve disporre di una console e di una copia del gioco.

**Il gioco online richiede una connessione a Internet. È necessario registrare e collegare un account Nintendo e accettare l’Accordo per l’account Nintendo e la Policy sulla Privacy. Per usufruire dei servizi online è necessario un account Nintendo. A partire da questo autunno, per usufruire di alcuni servizi online sarà necessario un abbonamento a pagamento. Alcuni servizi online potrebbero non essere disponibili in tutti i paesi. Scopri di più sull’abbonamento a pagamento.


sui Nintendo Switch europei.

L’aggiornamento in questione, svelato dal sito ufficiale di Nintendo, sarà disponibile il prossimo 22 aprile 2020 sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update di seguito.

Ver. 5.2.0 (Released April 15, 2020)

  • Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed.
    Weapon Change
    • .52 Gal
    • .52 Gal Deco
    • Kensa .52 Gal
    • Increased the likelihood the turf around your feet will be inked when firing.
    • Splat Roller
    • Krak-On Splat Roller
    • Kensa Splat Roller
    • Hero Roller Replica
    • Slightly extended the splash of ink from swinging sideways.
    • Flingza Roller
    • Foil Flingza Roller
    • Reduced the time required to swing the weapon overhead in a vertical swing by 3/60 of a second.
    • Tri-Slosher
    • Tri-Slosher Nouveau
    • Reduced the interval at which you can repeatedly swing by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • Heavy Splatling
    • Heavy Splatling Deco
    • Heavy Splatling Remix
    • Hero Splatling Replica
    • Decreased variance of shot spread when firing while on the ground by roughly 6%.
    • Splat Dualies
    • Enperry Splat Dualies
    • Kensa Splat Dualies
    • Hero Dualie Replicas
    • Slightly widened the spread of ink created by shots.
    • Glooga Dualies
    • Glooga Dualies Deco
    • Kensa Glooga Dualies
    • Decreased ink consumption from shots fired by roughly 7%.
    • Classic Squiffer
    • New Squiffer
    • Fresh Squiffer
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charge shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 1/60 of a second.
    • Splat Charger
    • Firefin Splat Charger
    • Kensa Charger
    • Hero Charger Replica
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charge shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • Splatterscope
    • Firefin Splatterscope
    • Kensa Splatterscope
    • Very slightly narrowed the width of the area inked by a fully charged shot.
    • The area inked remains unchanged for models without scopes (listed below).
      • Splat Charger
      • Firefin Splat Charger
      • Kensa Charger
      • Hero Charger Replica
    • The area inked remains unchanged for all shots that are not fully charged.
    • E-liter 4K
    • Custom E-liter 4K
    • Reduced the time from releasing a charged shot to being ready to shoot by roughly 2/60 of a second.
    • E-liter 4K Scope
    • Custom E-liter 4K Scope
    • Very slightly narrowed the width of the area inked by a fully charged shot.
    • The area inked remains unchanged for models without scopes (listed below).
      • E-liter 4K
      • Custom E-liter 4K
    • The area inked remains unchanged for all shots that are not fully charged.
    • Ballpoint Splatling
    • Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau
    • Reduced the velocity of ink over long distances by 4%, and reduced the range.
    • Reduced movement speed by roughly 10% when charging and firing from a close range.
    • Tenta Brella
    • Tenta Sorella Brella
    • Tenta Camo Brella
    • Extended the time it takes to restore the umbrella portion after launching it or it being destroyed by roughly 40/60 seconds.
    • Increased ink consumption for spread shots by roughly 10%.
  • Specifications for some of the sub weapons have been changed.
    Sub Weapon Change
    • Toxic Mist
    • This will now effect opponent’s Ballers.
  • Specifications for the following special weapons have been changed.
    Special Weapon Change
    • Baller
    • Extended the time you have to hold down the ZR Button to trigger this by roughly 16/60 of a second.
    • When you have a weapon equipped that has a fast walking speed when not firing or a fast squid-form swimming speed, increased acceleration on the ground to allow you to move more quickly.
    • This applies to the following weapons that can use a Baller.
      • Aerospray RG
      • Luna Blaster
      • Inkbrush Nouveau
      • Undercover Sorella Brella
    • When you have a weapon equipped that has a fast walking speed when not firing or a fast squid-form swimming speed, reduced maximum speed by roughly 14%.
    • This applies to the following weapons that can use a Baller.
      • Custom Explosher
    • Bubble Blower
    • Extended the time until a bubble pops naturally by roughly 2 seconds.
    • Reduced the size of the first and second bubbles.
    • The first bubble is the smallest, the second is slightly larger, and the third bubble onward will be the same size as before.
    • The area over which damage is dealt and the area which is inked by an exploding bubble depends on the size of the bubble.
  • Points required for using specials have been changed for certain main weapons.
    Weapon Before After
    N-ZAP83 180 170
    Custom Range Blaster 180 170
    L-3 Nozzlenose 210 220
    Foil Squeezer 180 190
    Inkbrush Nouveau 160 180

The changes in this update are designed to lower the abilities of a portion of all weapons and specials that, based on analysis of statistical data, had obtained an advantage in results.

Our intention is that this will entice players to explore these weapons, while retaining their individual strengths of the weapons in scenarios where they are advantageous.

We reference various sorts of statistical data for these adjustments, but in particular for those which lower the abilities of certain weapons, we’ve focused on data from matches between players of high Rank.

We will issue future updates after looking carefully at changes resulting from this update, as well as the overall state of statistical data over the long term.

Other Changes

  • Changed the unlock conditions for Tracks #20 through #26 in Squid Beatz 2 so that anyone can play them.
  • Extended the time limit to play your next game after you repeatedly disconnect within a short period of time.
    • This change will affect only those with frequent disconnects, less than 1% of all active players worldwide.
    • The more frequent your disconnects over a short period of time, the longer the time limit to play your next game will be.
  • When you download the latest update data, you will no longer be able to connect with players in The Shoal who have older update data.

Splatta dove, quando e con chi vuoi in Splatoon 2, solo su Nintendo Switch. Le tradizionali mischie mollusche quattro contro quattro fanno il loro ritorno in questo secondo capitolo della serie, insieme a nuovi livelli, nuovi stili, nuove armi e molto altro!

Nelle mischie mollusche l’obiettivo è semplice: controllare più territorio possibile imbrattandolo con l’inchiostro della propria squadra. La squadra che controlla più territorio vince la partita! Trasformati in un calamaro per nuotare nell’inchiostro della tua squadra. Usa questi talenti per scalare pareti ricoperte d’inchiostro della tua squadra e raggiungere punti sopraelevati, ottimi per tendere imboscate agli ignari avversari.


Nuove armi

Il nuovo repolper duplo si aggiunge all’arsenale a tua disposizione, insieme a una nuova mossa che ti permette di schivare gli attacchi avversari. Anche capisaldi come il rullo splat e lo splatter a carica fanno il loro ritorno, con una forma leggermente diversa, accompagnati da nuove armi speciali.

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Nuova modalità: Salmon Run

Coopera con fino a tre altri giocatori per sconfiggere ondate di Salmonoidi e raccogliere le uova preziose che si lasciano dietro in questa nuova modalità.

Multiplayer locale* e online**.

Per la prima volta, puoi partecipare a mischie mollusche in multiplayer locale, in tutte e tre le modalità di gioco supportate da Nintendo Switch: portatile, da tavolo e TV. Fino a 10 console Nintendo Switch possono collegarsi tra loro tramite connessione LAN quando sono inserite nella loro base, permettendo a otto giocatori e due spettatori di creare tornei in locale senza bisogno di una connessione a Internet. Fanno il loro ritorno anche le battaglie online.


Modalità per singolo giocatore

Una delle famose Sea Sirens, Stella, è scomparsa e Marina ti ha incaricato di ritrovarla! Usa armi diverse, come il rullo, il secchiostro, lo splatling e il nuovo repolper duplo per superare ostacoli, sconfiggere nemici e abbattere boss enormi!

Nuovi modi di giocare

Gioca sulla TV, in modalità portatile o in modalità da tavolo usando i Joy-Con o il Nintendo Switch Pro Contoller (venduto separatamente) usando i sensori di movimento per mirare accuratamente!

Nuove mode

Sono passati due anni nel mondo di Splatoon e tante cose sono cambiate. Troverai alcuni personaggi familiari e diverse facce nuove.

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Nuovi livelli

Splatoon 2 include livelli tutti nuovi, come il Tintodromo Montecarpa e il Centro polpisportivo.

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Nuovi aggiornamenti

Dopo il lancio arriveranno degli aggiornamenti, con nuovi livelli, stili e armi, proprio come accaduto con il primo gioco.

Supporto ai dispositivi smart

Un’applicazione per dispositivi smart per la console Nintendo Switch migliorerà il matchmaking e permetterà di usare la chat vocale.

*Per giocare in multiplayer locale, ogni giocatore deve disporre di una console e di una copia del gioco.

**Il gioco online richiede una connessione a Internet. È necessario registrare e collegare un account Nintendo e accettare l’Accordo per l’account Nintendo e la Policy sulla Privacy. Per usufruire dei servizi online è necessario un account Nintendo. A partire da questo autunno, per usufruire di alcuni servizi online sarà necessario un abbonamento a pagamento. Alcuni servizi online potrebbero non essere disponibili in tutti i paesi. Scopri di più sull’abbonamento a pagamento.



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