SteamDolls: Order of Chaos, il metroidvania steampunk in arrivo ufficialmente su Nintendo Switch

Top Hat Studios ha recentemente annunciato il successo della campagna Kickstarter di SteamDolls: Order of Chaos, in arrivo su Nintendo Switch.

Il metroidvania steampunk di Top Hat Studios e The Shady Gentlemen sarà pubblicato nei prossimi mesi anche sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare informazioni sul titolo in questione di seguito.


SteamDolls is a steampunk inspired metroidvania game with a grimy touch of brutality.

You are The Whisper – voiced by David Hayter (The Legendary Solid Snake).

Blast your way to your objective or stick to the shadows and perform violent assassinations on unsuspecting guards, as you struggle with the haunting apparitions of a mesmerizing witch trying to reveal the truth about a conspiracy that could shake the very foundation of the world.


Inspired by games like Castlevania and Hollow knight. Nourished by the fury of Dead Cells and the gloom of Bloodborne. A touch of societal decay from Dishonored. Lose yourself in a labyrinthine city, full of secrets and madness.

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