Dragalia Lost: svelato l’arrivo dell’evento, MONSTER HUNTER PRIMAL CRISIS

Il servizio notifiche di Dragalia Lost ha svelato l’arrivo dell’evento, MONSTER HUNTER PRIMAL CRISIS, presto disponibile nel titolo mobile.

Il titolo realizzato in partnership con Cygames, uno studio giapponese che collaborerà con Nintendo nella realizzazione del titolo RPG “free to play”, è approdato il 27 settembre 2018 su iOS e Android negli USA.

Potete trovare tutti i dettagli in merito all’evento di seguito.

7:00 AM, Jan 24, 2020

MONSTER HUNTER PRIMAL CRISIS Trailer & Special Website Release!

We have released a trailer for the MONSTER HUNTER PRIMAL CRISIS event, which is scheduled to start 7:00 AM, Jan 29, 2020, as well as a special website for the event.
Please check out the following pages.
▼Nintendo Mobile YouTube Channel – MONSTER HUNTER PRIMAL CRISIS Event Trailer
Monster Hunter is a series of hunting action games in which you face off against huge monsters in lush, natural environments.
Monster Hunter’s gameplay, which established a new way of communicating with other players, gave rise to the phenomenon of using wireless co-op to take on fearsome foes with the help of your friends.
The Monster Hunter series fan base has continued to grow since the first title was released for home consoles in 2004, and it has since become one of Capcom’s most popular franchises.
Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost.
Precedente Daemon X Machina: il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.3.1 sui Nintendo Switch europei Successivo Fire Emblem Heroes: ora disponibili i nuovi eroi speciali: Battaglie termali, atto secondo