Contra: Rogue Corps: il titolo ora aggiornato sui Nintendo Switch europei

Qualche ora fa e’ stato pubblicato un aggiornamento per CONTRA ROGUE CORPS, ora scaricabile dai Nintendo Switch europei.

Il nuovo capitolo run-and-gun della serie classica di KONAMI, e’ disponibile dallo scorso 26 settembre 2019 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il changelog dell’update, in calce all’articolo.

New Update: 1/07/2020

A new update was released on 1/07/2020!
Here is more information on the changes made and content added to the game!・Added new Exploration Mission.

Unstable Anomaly Area Finale

They said the Unstable Anomaly Area went on forever. They were wrong.
Go into the deepest depths without the proper gear, and leave in a body bag.
It’s the last stop in Hell. Better get used to the smell of gunpowder and corpses.

・Added new weapons.



・Added new B.A.Ds.



・Increased Mastery Level cap to 100.
・Added new Fiend.
・Added new Medals.
・Fixed several issues.

SEASON PASS -Assasin Pack- content added

  • Character Skin

  • Character Skin
    Kaiser T-Shirt #1

  • In-Game Credit

  • B.A.D.
    Gluttony Type 1
    Three Kingdoms Type 2

Precedente Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD, il titolo aggiornato alla versione 1.0.3 su Nintendo Switch Successivo Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, il titolo in arrivo il 7 aprile sui Nintendo Switch europei