Squidlit: uno sguardo in video gameplay al platformer retrò dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Squidlit, indie game in arrivo nei prossimi giorni sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il platformer retrò realizzato da Squidlit Ink, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 14 gennaio 2020 sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €1,59/$1.99.

Potete trovare il video pubblicato di seguito.

Every day is a wonderful day for invertebrates! Squidlit is a little platformer that strives to be an exact recreation of the favorite handheld of the early 90’s.

Are you ready for an invertebratey adventure? Do you have the gumption to take on a mighty quest for the good of oodles of squidlits everywhere? If so, many trials await you as you squrp your way to victory in the squishiest of escapades!

The mechanics are simple!

After jumping, jump again to ink downwards on the enemies you encounter as you blip and squip along your merry way! Can you stop Skwit Skwot before it’s too late?

Squidlit does everything it can to be as accurate to the original hardware as possible, including:

No more than 10 8-pixel wide sprites in a line.

No more than 40 sprites at any time.

Four sound channels that are shared between “voices” of music and the sound effects.

All sounds were made on real hardware (using LSDJ).

160 x 144 pixel resolution.

And a whopping 4 shades of… “grellow”.

Precedente Langrisser I & II: pubblicato un nuovo spezzone di gameplay della build inglese Successivo Lydia: la visual novel atmosferica in arrivo il 17 gennaio sull'eShop di Nintendo Switch