Maitetsu: Pure Station, il titolo è in arrivo il 16 gennaio 2020 sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi

Qualche ora fa è emersa la data di uscita nipponica di Maitetsu: Pure Station, prossimamente disponibile su Nintendo Switch.

La visual novel che presenterà una versione fittizia del Giappone, sarà pubblicata il prossimo 16 gennaio 2019 sui Nintendo Switch giapponesi, prossimamente anche sull’eShop europeo e americano.

Potete trovare l’annuncio ufficiale su Twitter in calce all’articolo.

An unforgettable journey.

Set in Hinomoto, a fictional version of Japan, where for a long time railway travel served as the most important form of transport. Each locomotive was paired with a humanoid control module, so-called Raillord, that aided the train operator. However, many rail lines had been discontinued due to the rising popularity of aircraft, a safe and convenient aerial mode of transport. As such, their accompanying railroads also went into a deep sleep.

Sotetsu had lost his entire family in a rail accident and was adopted into the Migita household, which runs a shochu brewery in the city of Ohitoyo. He returned to his hometown to save it from the potential water pollution that would occur if they accepted the proposal to build an aircraft factory nearby. He woke up the Railroad Hachiroku by accident and became her owner. For different purposes, they agreed to help find her lost locomotive, with the help of his stepsister Hibiki, the town’s mayor and local railway chief, Paulette and others.

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