Destiny Chronicles: il titolo potrebbe arrivare su Nintendo Switch grazie ad una campagna Kickstarter

Poche ore fa è stato rivelato il possibile approdo su Nintendo Switch, Destiny Chronicles, ora in live con una campagna Kickstarter.

Visualnoveler ha infatti aperto una seconda campagna Kickstarter su Destiny Chronicles, un action RPG ispirato ai classici, che potrebbe vedere la luce anche su Nintendo Switch, col raggiungimento dei $44.000 e con una demo già scaricabile su PC.

Potete trovare informazioni sul titolo in calce all’articolo.


Inspired by classic action JRPGs, Destiny Chronicles is an action role-playing game about a squire named Celeste who begins a journey to prove herself worthy of becoming a true knight. Her quest takes her far from her home, across the continent in pursuit of a thief whose actions stem from a sinister plot.

Its character-driven plot focuses on the interactions between Celeste and her companions as they hunt down the thief. Our goal is to make the game lighthearted and humorous, yet still tell a compelling story.

Destiny Chronicles features an exciting and fast-paced action combat system, and Celeste’s fighting style can be customized to suit your playstyle with a talent tree and upgrade system.

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