My Hero One’s Justice: mostrati i primi screenshots dedicati ad All For One


Bandai Namco ha mostrato i primi screenshots dedicati a All for One in My Hero One’s Justice, titolo in arrivo presto su Nintendo Switch.

Il leader e benefattore della League of Villains, principale antagonista dell’anime e manga, My Hero Academia, entrerà a far parte del roster di My Hero One’s Justice, come rivelato dalla rivista giapponese Weekly Shōnen Jump.

Il titolo di Bandai Namco sarà pubblicato già dal prossimo 23 agosto sui NIntendo Switch giapponesi.

La trasposizione videoludica del noto anime My Hero Academia, è già confermata per il Sol Levante, ma è in arrivo in Occidente il prossimo 26 ottobre 2018, con il nome di My Hero One’s Justice.

Potete trovare gli screenshots pubblicati in calce all’articolo.



6th August2018 – Richmond UK: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe reveal All for One will join the roster of MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE. A new special move is also revealed for all the characters, the EX Plus Ultra! The action-packed game, based on the famous franchise, is scheduled to be launched 26thOctober, 2018 for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch™ and PC.

All for One was once Japan’s most powerful villain and All Might’s arch-nemesis. He has remained outside of superheroes affairs for the past years, raising Shigaraki to become his successor. Players will be able to use his unfathomable power and recreate his epic battle against All Might!

The EX Plus Ultra is the ultimate move in MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE. By fully charging their Energy gauges, player will change the tide of the battle with the help of their Sidekicks with a triple powerful attack!

MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE will be launched 26th October, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. For more information from BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe please visit:

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