Mario Tennis Aces: il titolo ora aggiornato alla versione 1.1.0 sui Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa è stata pubblicata la patch del Day One per Mario Tennis Aces, titolo ora disponibile sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo è stato infatti aggiornato alla versione 1.1.0, scaricabile da questo momento dai Nintendo Switch europei, e che permette di accedere alle funzionalità online di Mario Tennis Aces.

Version 1.1.0

  • Additional new modes and features
    • We have added “Online Tournament” to Tournament mode.
      • When playing Online Tournament, you can choose from four different types of courts in Marina Stadium.
      • We have changed the name of the tournament mode using computer partners to “COM Tournament.”
    • We have added “How to Play” to the main menu. You are now able to practice basic shots and new shots outside of the “How to Play” in Adventure mode.
    • We have added “Bonus” to Adventure mode. This allows you to play the story over again from the beginning and watch movies.
      • “Bonus” will be added once you have cleared Adventure mode once.
      • When you select “Start from Beginning,” your progress, level, and obtained rackets will all be reset. It is not possible to carry over your status and play from the beginning.
  • Changes to online play
    • Online play: We have made some changes to the way that latency is handled in online play.
      • We have addressed an issue that caused severe latency when the network connection became unstable.
      • We have raised the frequency with which the game confirms and refreshes connection quality. This addresses the problem of connection quality remaining low for a longer period than necessary once the connection was determined to be poor in one single instance.
    • Online play: We have made some adjustments so that players of similar skill are more likely to be matched together. (Outside of matches with friends)
    • Online Tournament: We have improved the accuracy of processing the confirmation of connection quality for both yourself and your opponent before the start of a match.
    • Online Tournament: We have addressed an issue that caused a dropped connection at a certain time in a match to result in the dropped player receiving credit for a win.
    • Free Play: We have addressed an issue that caused the next match to automatically begin when no control input was detected after a certain amount of time at the end of an online match.
  • Reading save data from the online tournament prior to launch
    • When you have save data from playing one or more matches in the online tournament that took place prior to launch, you will obtain Mario “classic outfit.” You will be able to switch to this at the character select screen for each mode. You cannot change character appearance in Adventure mode.
  • Asian Languages
    • We have added support for Chinese and Korean languages.
  • Other
    • Overall: We have addressed an issue where a Zone Shot that landed very close to the line was being counted as out.
    • Standard Overall: We have addressed an issue that caused your Energy Gauge to fill on a Nice Serve even when the shot was a fault or a let.
      • The above two issues did not occur during the online tournament prior to launch.
    • COM Tournament: A crown mark will now appear next to the name of a character who has won the tournament.
    • COM Tournament, Online Tournament: Suspend data from a tournament will now include your settings choices from the character select screen.
    • Some changes from the online tournament prior to launch are also included.
    • When you update to version 1.1.0, you will no longer be able to engage in local play with those using version 1.0.0.

il nuovo capitolo sportivo della serie di Mario realizzata da CAMELOT, è statp pubblicato il 22 giugno 2018 sui Nintendo Switch europei, con una nuova modalità Storia e con delle altre modalità interessanti.

Un nuovo gioco della serie Mario Tennis è in arrivo su Nintendo Switch: Mario Tennis Aces!

Sfoggiando un’elegante tenuta da tennis, Mario scende in campo per affrontare una grande varietà di personaggi in partite mozzafiato. Il gioco include più di 15 personaggi giocabili, ognuno con le sue caratteristiche uniche!

In questo nuovo capitolo troverai diverse innovazioni in termini di tecniche e strategie che ti terranno sempre sul chi vive. Il gioco offre un approccio al gioco del tennis curato nei minimi dettagli e concentrato su tattica e strategia.

Inoltre, per la prima volta dai tempi di Mario Tennis: Power Tour per Game Boy Advance, ci sarà anche una modalità storia, con tante missioni e un gran numero di boss.

Le varie possibilità di gioco offerte dalla console Nintendo Switch permettono a fino a quattro giocatori* di entrare in campo e giocare contemporaneamente, quando e dove vogliono!

Dopo esserti collegato online**, potrai giocare con i tuoi amici o con altri giocatori. Si terranno di frequente eventi e tornei online, che ti consentiranno di competere con altri giocatori.

C’è anche la modalità swing, che ti permette di usare il Joy-Con come una racchetta da tennis. Questa modalità è perfetta per una partita veloce con i tuoi amici o con la tua famiglia, o anche solo per fare un po’ di movimento.

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