Happy Birthdays: pubblicato il trailer di lancio del titolo su Nintendo Switch


NIS America ha pubblicato il trailer di lancio dedicato a Happy Birthdays, titolo ora disponibile sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo sandbox ideato dal leggendario Yasuhiro Wada, creatore della serie Harvest Moon, è infatti stato pubblicato il 8 giugno 2018 sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €39,99.

Potete trovare il trailer di lancio, in calce all’articolo.

It’s time to celebrate life on your very own cube world! Yasuhiro Wada’s newest sandbox game, Happy Birthdays, is out now on Nintendo Switch! Check out the Launch Trailer now!

Shape your world however you wish in Happy Birthdays. Start from a small cube, raise and lower the land, alter climates and environments, and build extravagant ecosystems that brim with life! The power of imagination and creation is at your fingertips, and no two worlds created will ever be alike. Will you create a bustling metropolis teeming with people, or will you establish a massive prehistoric paradise for your dinosaurs and mammoths?

Dal leggendario creatore Yasuhiro Wada (TOYBOX Inc.) arriva Happy Birthdays, un sandbox in cui i giocatori potranno creare mondi cubici dove allevare e far nascere forme di vita diverse e uniche. Sperimentando, i giocatori potranno plasmare il mondo, alterandone la geografia e la temperatura per creare le condizioni per la vita e assistere così alla nascita di un intero ecosistema!

  • Osserva creature grandi e piccole crescere nel tuo mondo!
  • Include una guida di 20 pagine ricca di affascinanti creature
  • Oceani e montagne, tundre e deserti: non c’è niente che tu non possa creare!

From the legendary creator Mr. Yasuhiro Wada (TOYBOX Inc.), comes Happy Birthdays: a sandbox game in which players create cube-shaped worlds that give rise to diverse and unique lifeforms. With careful experimentation, players can shape the geography and alter the temperature of each world to create the conditions for life and witness the birth of an entire ecosystem!

Key Features:
– A World All Your Own And On-The-Go! – Create any world you can imagine! From staggering mountains and sprawling forests to a deep sea dotted with islands, there’s no limit to your creations. And now, you can shape your world on-the-go on the Nintendo Switch!
– Life from the Beginning – Discover the history of everything as you foster life of all shapes and sizes –
from single-celled organisms to complex multicellular life, including plants, mammals, dinosaurs, and more!
– Cultivate Your Imagination – Imagine, Experiment, Create! Shape your planet and decide how plant and animal life evolves. No two planets will ever be truly alike.


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