Banner of the Maid: il titolo è in arrivo nel 2018 sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è emerso un trailer che annuncia l’arrivo di un nuovo titolo, Banner of the Maid, disponibile nei prossimi mesi sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo RPG tattico di CE-Asia, posizionato storicamente durante la rivoluzione francese, verrà infatti pubblicato nel corso del 2018 sull’eShop europeo, americano e giapponese di Nintendo Switch

Potete trovare il trailer pubblicato, in calce all’articolo.


Banner of the Maid is a tactical role-playing game based on the famous French Revolution, with a twist of fictional fantasy elements. You will be playing as Pauline Bonaparte, a newly-graduated girl from military academy, who is always dreaming of earning herself a position in the upper class. In a journey of visiting her brother Napoleon Bonaparte, Pauline was accidentally dragged into a revolutionary storm in France. Banner of the Maid was funded and will be published by CE-Asia, a video game publisher and distributor in China, and the game will be available in 2018 for PC and consoles. 这是一款以法国大革命为背景的单机策略战棋游戏,也是杉果独立游戏扶持基金“跃计划”扶持的第一款独立游戏。女主角波利娜·波拿巴是一名梦想着进入上流社会的军校毕业生,在前往土伦港探望哥哥拿破仑·波拿巴的时候,被卷入了一场撼动整个法国的变革之中。《圣女战旗》将由中电博亚独家代理发行,预计于2018年5月登陆杉果、Steam等PC平台,后续將陆续登陆Switch、PS4等主机平台。


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